In this interview by previous CPJ Arts Editor, Soap Khan, sculptor Ross Matteson, alongside Rachel Corrie’s parents, Cindy and Craig Corrie, founders of the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice, revisit the creation of Rachel Corrie memorial at Evergreen, Rachel’s legacy at Evergreen and abroad, and what continued solidarity […]
Unused Spaces
The audience is still clapping at the last acknowledgements as Gwen pivots, her eyes digging into the crowd. “Now, before we begin, I would like to quickly clarify something to you all. Ever since the Evergreen Theatre Club has been putting on shows, we hear comments from new students of […]
Education at the Wildlife Refuge
By Elijah Orr The Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge stands as a testament to the incredible power of community collaboration, especially that of the Nisqually Tribe. In 2015 the Refuge was named in honor of Billy Frank Jr., who was a leader in securing Indigenous fishing rights. The […]
Talks With C.O.P.S
By Aster Hall TESC’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) surrounding the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment (EGSE) included creating a Disappearing Task Force (DTF) called Civilian Oversight of Police Services. The description for this DTF states: “Police agencies… should be accountable to civilian (i.e., non-police) authorities and ultimately accountable to the people […]
A Conversation With Dr. Angela Davis: Collective Struggle in Critical Times
By Sylvie Delaney On the dark, rainy evening of February 21st, I sought light and cover and found both — in more ways than one — at the conversation taking place at the Capitol Theater. Dr. Angela Davis, long standing freedom fighter and progressive scholar, held a talk at the […]
Keep Calm and Green on: SB 5424 and how poetry will always save the day
By: Nathan Tippmann and Ella Colwell The Evergreen State College has always been considered a joke by conservatives, a useless place to get your education if you’re a so-called low-life, a hippie, or couldn’t get in anywhere else. Despite these negative connotations from those who simply don’t understand, students have […]
What Is CCTV? Meet The Coordinators!
“There’s nothing going on at this school!” How many times have you heard every Evergreener’s favorite complaint? We used to have culture. From stories about Kurt Cobain playing shows in the apartments to the empty spaces in the woods where treehouses used to be, it seems like everyone I meet […]
Musician Spotlight: Soren Januszewki
By: Ella Colwell 1. Introduce yourself! What name do you make music under? What genres? Where can we listen? Hi! I’m Soren, but I make music/DJ as “themonkey.” I make a sorta random blend of electronic music and love to play mostly house and techno. You can find my music […]
Those Who Can’t, Teach
By, Shem R.W I didn’t know if I was going to go to college until a few months before I went. I can remember the exact moment that I made the decision, actually; I was working as a grocery clerk at the Sno-Isle Food Co-Op, the summer after I graduated […]
Album Review: Wicked
By Alex Kawaguchi I am the prime demographic for a Wicked movie adaptation. I watched it for the first time when I was 9 and kept a piece of confetti from that show in my keepsakes for over 10 years, and I could argue it was the beginning of my […]