Student Galen Riggs has been taking art classes at Evergreen and has quickly progressed in the printmaking technique of intaglio while studying with faculty Lisa Sweet.
Originally from San Francisco, the city which shaped him, where young people participate in a culture and environment where life is harshly exposed and on constant display. From skateboarding and chilling with his friends in neighborhoods like the Mission and Lower Haight he’s been witness to some “gnarly shit,” from bum fights to seeing people shit in the streets. Riggs’ instills artifacts of the city into his art. He views the city as a piece of art and is keen on how to navigate obstacles made by humans and humans as obstacles.
Moving past the zeitgeist characterized by the sometimes numbing abundance and normativity of art in cyberspace he has come together with other local artists to put together an art and music show at The Haul on the 25th where his and others work will be on display.
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