By Y Lowy
Aries (3/21—4/19) It may seem hard to believe but that heartache that you’ve been nursing this past week is truly on the mend. That doesn’t mean wait for things to get better, this means keep doing the hard work! Get out of bed, call your best friend, make yourself three meals every day, and give yourself space! Olympia is small, but it’s really not as small as it seems.
Taurus (4/20—5/20) Taurus, you’re being such a cool guy… like, maybe too much of a cool guy. Though your cerebral, practical side is super helpful in times of stress and business, your softness is a virtue too. Asking for help or telling your crush you like them takes strength too. Don’t let the systems you’ve created to serve you become a system for you to serve.
Gemini (5/21—6/20) This week you will shut too many doors. I mean this literally and figuratively—you may want to lock yourself in your room and not leave for days. While that’s sometimes incredibly important, right now it will just spiral you further into your worries. The antidote to this will probably be something like social services, but if you want, you can also just sit in your room and see what happens.
Cancer (6/21—7/22) Things will feel funny this week. You might find yourself picking fights not because you’re angry, but because you’re restless. What you’re feeling is an understandable reaction to the impending winter and its forced hibernation. That said, if you notice yourself getting aggressive, try to repurpose your restlessness: go on a run, make some art, go out of town for the weekend.
Leo (7/23—8/22) With the end of the quarter approaching, you’re going to find yourself on your way out of a period of chaos, anxiety and destructive behavior. Maybe it’s a change of schedule or maybe you’re just done putting up with the things that hurt you, but either way, it’s time to remove the toxins in your life that are holding you back. Get on it Leo, you know what to do.
Virgo (8/23—9/22) This week is about balance in motion. Imagine yourself on a really fast horse, or as a tightrope walker. Regardless of speed, you’re moving forward, and that requires all the focus that you have. It will be helpful to ask yourself: what do I need to do, and how do I feel about it? Or, how am I keeping myself grounded while always thinking about three different things at once?
Libra (9/23—10/22) Understandably enough, this week you’re STRESSED. Not just because it’s Week 8, but also because you have unattainably high ambitions for yourself. Have you noticed that when you push yourself to complete bigger or more complex projects than you have time for, you make yourself sick in the process? Have you forgotten your love of the slow, lingering pleasures of unrushed learning?
Scorpio (10/23—11/21) With turning a year older, you may find yourself latching onto people or aspects of the past. That may mean calling your high school best friend, or watching your favorite movie from fifth grade. Either way, take caution in the line between reminiscing and trying to escape the present and the future. There are so many friends you’ve yet to make, movies you’ve yet to see!
Sagittarius (11/22—12/21) You’re at a crossroad, and the decision you’ve been waiting for to move forward is on its way. Whether this will be a confession, revelation or apology, you’ll have to make a decision in return. Now would be a good time to ask yourself, what do you want? Is there any choice you already know that you do or do not want to make? What are you waiting for?
Capricorn (12/22—1/19) Stop ignoring yourself! Last week you were living your life according to someone else’s needs and, as you may or may not have noticed, that doesn’t serve anyone. Now is a good time to ask yourself: what do I want and need? What boundaries should I set so I can treat myself (and consequently others) better?
Aquarius (1/20—2/18) This week is about a sudden influx of power. Maybe someone told you a secret in confidence or you’re the leader of a class project, either way, you have control and it feels good. Be careful, Aquarius. The nicest people have lost their integrity in the hands of power. Practice empathy. Think towards the best interest of your community. You won’t always be able to call the shots.
Pisces (2/19—3/20) Things are going to get watery this week, Pisces. Get ready to be pushed and pulled along many different currents. How can the movements around you carry you to wherever you’re trying to go? How can you be flexible but not a pushover? These questions are nothing new, you’ve been working on this kind of integrity since you were born, now is just the time to use your skills.