This story is a part of our April 1 edition.

Aries (March 21- April 20):  

Your horoscope: IT’S ARIES SZN GET READY


Taurus (April 21- May 21):

Your horoscope: Now that it is Aries season…

You: Oh no, my roommate’s birthday is this month. They’re an Aries. I’m gonna have to move.

Gemini (May 22- June 21):

Your horoscope:  Mercury is in retrograde so all your crazy anxiety and self doubt are about to hit you hard

You: *posts on twitter* It’s about to get liittttyyy up in heree

Cancer (June 22- July 22):

Your horscope: Powerful Uranus and Confident Mars are aligning this week…

You: *Laughs* They said Uranus

Leo (July 23- August 21):

Your horscope: Life was meant to be enjoyed

You: “I need to cancel my math class ASAP”

Virgo (August 22- September 23):

Your horoscope: You are mean and have no friends.

You: Harsh but true.

Libra (September 24- October 23):

Your horoscope: This is a time for singleness, end all romantic relationships for the time being.

You: Calls partner immediately “I’m sorry we have to get a divorce, my horoscope said it’s not in the stars”

Scorpio (October 24- November 22):

Your horoscope: Something that you can’t really relate to

You: “Well I heard you’re suppose to look at the one after your sign to really get the truest horoscope”

Sagittarius (November 23- December 22):

Your horoscope: The moon and stars they wept, the morning star was dead…

You: That is so deep.

Capricorn (December 23- January 20):

Your horoscope: Don’t be naive this week and listen to what everyone tells you

You: Okay I need to listen to this. This stranger is correct.

Aquarius (January 21- February 19):

Your horoscope: Some people are mean, don’t be like them.

You: WOW… WOW… I mean how do they ALWAYS GET IT RIGHT

Pisces (February 20- March 20):

Your horoscope: You deserve to breathe

You: OH MY GOD… that is so true, starts emotionally crying and fanning face in hopes that the wind will dry tears before ruining makeup.