By Your Cosmic Best Friend


(March 21 to April 19): 

The scariest thing for Aries??? Committing to one costume. Aries have great characteristics but deciding what to choose? Not on the top of the list. It’s okay if we know what you’ll go as, whichever costume you’ll be able to look the best in while still being able to move around on the dance floor. 


(April 20 to May 20):

The scariest thing for Taurus?? Global Climate Change. You are deeply connected to the earth and care about what is happening to it. But never fear globate climate justice warrior, keep fighting the good fight and explaining why recycling and living a netzero life is worthwhile. We’ll catch up to you. 


(May 21 to June 21):

The scariest thing for Gemini???  Telling the truth. No shade Gemi, but being two-faced is pretty much in your nature. This can be a great skill though. It means you know how to answer tactfully and without offending all the people around you. However, sometimes your fear of offending others means you’ll start altering your truth to fit their feelings. Stay strong and remember the truth will set you free.


(June 22 to July 22):

The scariest thing for Cancer??? People being meany-butts to you. Cancers have HUGE hearts and when other people don’t or even worse walk up to you and start a conversation without asking you how you’re doing, you immediately put up walls. Try to remember sometimes other people don’t realize respecting other people’s feelings is important. 


(July 23 to Aug. 22):

The scariest thing for Leos??? Being forgotten. Not being recognized is a HARD thing for Leos. You love attention and when you aren’t getting it from work, your schooling, your family, and friends? That can put you in a tricky place. Reach out to your close friends and say “hey, it would be really helpful for me if you could verbally encourage me or affirm me this week” It’s not fishing for compliments its expressing to those closest to you that words matter and it is a way you would feel loved. It’s a great opportunity to find out what would make your friends feel the most loved and supported as well.


(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22):

The scariest thing for Virgo???  Chaos. No schedule? No plan? No notes?? That’s a Virgos biggest nightmare. You love being in control and getting to plan out events ahead of time. If you’re realizing that’s not happening try waking up earlier so you have more time to think about your day before your day just wakes up and smacks ya. Or carve out time at the end of your nights to debrief what happened throughout your day you’d like to improve on. 


(Sept. 23 to Oct. 23):

The scariest thing for Libras??? Making the wrong decision. Similar to Aries, this halloween you’ve been struggling on what to wear, where to go, what time to show up, how to get there…. Etc etc In a Libras perfect world everything would just happen and they’d never have to make those silly little decisions ever again.


(Oct. 24 to Nov. 20):

The scariest thing for Scorpios??? The fear of someone asking you a personal question. Scorpios like to hide their true selves and need people to prove they are worthy of their friendship before they give it out. Because of this, what’s spookiest to them is someone asking them how they are doing and wanting a response more than just “I’m fine”  !! The horror!! I mean can you even imagine?? 


(Nov. 21 to Dec. 20):

The scariest thing for Sagittarius??? Fear of failure. You are good enough. You are special and an important part of the world even on the days when it doesn’t feel like it. Sagittarius’ love to be a part of the crowd but still feel like an individual. You can struggle when put into situations you don’t feel you’re ready for. It’s okay, remember even Einstein had to fail 1,000 times before he invented the lightbulb. To which he said “”I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” 


(Dec. 23 to Jan. 20):

The scariest thing for Capricorn???  Not succeeding. Capricorns Love when they get an A or in Evergreens case “ an excellent evaluation”. They are strong and smart, but they fear not measuring up to an unmet expectation.


(Jan. 21 to Feb. 21):

The scariest thing for Aquarius??? Being buried alive. Yeah Aquairus just have a normal fear of being buried alive. But if you just stay away from cemeteries you’ll probably be fine. 


(Feb. 22 to March 20):

The scariest thing for Pisces?? Dying alone. Pisces are compassionate, and loving, and kind, and terrified of loneliness and no one to hold in the cold winter months. This Halloween you’ll be out there looking for a cutie with a cool costume you can strike up a conversation with and then hold onto all winter long. You’ll probably break up when it gets warm outside again in May but until then you’ll be fine.