brought to you by….. Your Cosmic Comrades

NOTE: For the purposes of our predictions, we suggest that you focus on your chart’s Ascendant sign, though you may find it helpful to read your Moon and Sun, as well. If you do not know your rising sign or would like to learn more about your chart we recommend using or


`Finances are looking bright this month, Aries! Abundance is steeped in liberation as Mercury retrograde’s shadow turns to memory. You’ll be particularly concerned with what you’re seeking when it comes to balanced give and take – what is it that you’re looking for from friends? Family? Work? Don’t be afraid to take action towards expanding on or modifying the dynamics of your close relationships. A beautiful release of what no longer serves you. Be careful not to recklessly spend! On November 17th, Venus hits a pre-retrograde shadow in Capricorn, so take note of where you’re slowing down and noticing your energy predominantly shift (look to where Capricorn falls in your chart) when it comes to how you’re directing your time and attention. 

Song rec: Wet Dream // Wet Leg


Don’t be shy when it comes to flexing your creativity this month, Taurus! Alliances are the name of the game – reach out to those who you want to collaborate with. Art and love are positively aspected for you this November with the Mars in Scorpio transit. Your Mars in the 12th house is influencing someone from the past to look into how you’re doing now and might just end up in a possible (re)union. You might just end up making a decision in regards to partnerships (work or romantic) that shocks those around you with Mars opposing Uranus’ influence over your 10th house. As long as you’re making healthy choices, don’t worry about living up to what others expect of you, babes! Measure twice, cut once. As long as you’re making healthy choices, pay the naysayers in your life no mind.

Song rec: Hijo de Su Madre // Omar Apollo


Mars is transiting your 6th house throughout November – work, health, and daily habits will be a central focus. If there’s been conflict at work, now is a good time to confront the issue head on! The new beginning you’ve been manifesting is going to be beneficial for not only you, but all those around you. Whether setting up a social media profile to display your work or expanding on your professional connections, chasing your aspirations is especially blessed! Mercury in your 4th house is being aspected by Uranus, so you may suddenly find yourself changing house or breaking a lease. Don’t stress! Uranus falls in your 9th house, so luck will soon follow this choice.  You may enter a period of isolation as you unpack self-sabotaging habits. Prioritize your essential needs!

Song rec: What It Is // Amber Mark


You might just be attracting a passionate partner if you’re single, Cancer! Regardless, it’s a good time to be putting yourself back out there if it’s been a fat minute since your last romantic connection. You’re likely to be more social and networking is favored as the new moon in Scorpio is lighting up the possibilities within your work/school life! Your increasing restlessness is because you know it’s time for some serious change, no matter how daunting. You also might just discover a new hobby through friends; a healthy channel for your creative OR excess energy. Friendships may be shifting as you recognize who your real friends are. The people you will (or at least should) keep close are those who are communicative and transparent with you! Challenge the part of yourself that may have reflected unsavory energies – the part that stifles your feelings and leaves you ruminating instead of doing – the full moon eclipse will be kind to you regarding a long term goal you’ve had if you do so!

Song rec: 4ever // Willow


Let’s go, Leo! What brings you joy? This month is about coming back to yourself and what lights you up. Mars is transiting your 4th house so you may find your attention is drawn predominantly to your family, home, and themes present from your childhood. This month’s new moon energy can propel goals made in relation to your living circumstances/relocating so set your intentions with care! A possible conversation with your parental figures about what they wanted for you growing up versus what you truly want now – whether dramatic or affirming, it will be enlightening. Intense talks with loved ones as you go through a state of transition in status in the home or at work. It’s time to attract what you deserve by being transparent with the universe about what you want for yourself. Let it happen as much as you’re making it happen, babes.

Song rec: Make It Known // Fousheé


Hello Virgo! Your mind is ripe with bright ideas that may be so bold or fresh it incurs doubt in others. Who cares? You’re onto something amazing with the Mars in Scorpio transit lighting up your 3rd house of communication for the next several weeks. Busy, busy, busy is the name of the game as your Mercurial wit charms those you network with. You may be recruited for your investigative skills at work (or otherwise) – there are secrets to be uncovered with care that take your precision. Rethinking incoming future plans and considering travel. With Mercury, Mars, and Uranus all opposing each other in the middle of the month, you’re revisiting your relationship to religious or spiritual structures you’ve incorporated into your life and adjusting your path forward how you see fit for your present self. You’ve got this!

Song rec: Comme des Garçons (Like The Boys) (Brabo Remix ft. Pabllo Vittar) // Rina Sawayama


There is going to be a lot of deep thinking for you this month, Libra! As your sign is ruled by Venus, it is prudent to focus on which house the planet of love falls into each cycle. Currently, Venus is moving into Capricorn which rules over your 4th house. This is an especially symbiotic combination as your 4th house rules over home and harmony while Capricorn urges you to plan for the long-term. This may mean you feel the pressure of future planning. When paired with Mercury in Scorpio, it’s clear that some big decisions may need to be made! Thankfully, the end of this month brings you many gifts and time to focus on the present as the Taurus full moon lunar eclipse takes place and Sagittarius season takes us into the end of fall. You can do it, Libra! Push through and choose what aligns with you!

Song Rec: Simple As This // Jake Bugg


You may have noticed some strange changes during the first bit of Scorpio season, my spooky friend! There could be some tumultuous feelings around the ways you’re spending your time and energy.  It’s important to have conversations about what feels right for you at this moment in time. Thankfully, Venus in Capricorn has ensured that the abundance will start flowing in for you, especially financially. Whether you’re taking on extra hours at work, starting to profit from your hobby or skill, or you found some dollars on the street, you are feeling a-okay on this front! The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on the 19th occurs in your sister sign of Taurus. This may signify a change in relationships and may commemorate the end of something important to you. While this may feel like a scary adjustment, change is always essential! You always have yourself, Scorpio, and your abundant energy is going to continue with you through 2022. 

Song Rec: Money, Money, Money // ABBA


With so much action in your twelfth house during Scorpio season, you may have felt down or reclusive. It’s as if Sagittarius season will never come! Fear not, my restless friend. Your time is here. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sixth house encourages you to finish out Scorpio season by being helpful to those who need your help (and deserve it) – though, ultimately, we both know it is always more important to affix your own oxygen mask before helping others. As the sun moves into Sagittarius, it will also be in conjunction with Mercury. This will act as a powerful tool for you to reconnect with yourself and the good things that you have established. Later this month, Venus will enter it’s pre-retrograde shadow. It’s time for you to start taking risks financially and circulating that karmic energy. Your season is almost here, Sag babies! Push through and you will be rewarded. 

Song Rec: Dog Days Are Over // Florence & the Machine


Venus has entered your first house, lovely Capricorn. You tend to hold yourself to a high standard, which makes self-love feel more like an obligation than a time of happiness and relaxation. It may be the perfect time to start practicing this, especially as Venus is entering its pre-retrograde shadow. This means that Venus will stay in your first house until March of next year, so buckle in and get ready for a journey of self-love and appreciation. As the Sun, Mercury, and Mars move from your eleventh to your twelfth house, you may notice friends falling off the radar and a desire to turn inward. This happens occasionally and it is important to remember that it is not your fault. As we prepare for the Winter months, we tend to go into hibernation. This tendency, mixed with your strong time of Venus retrograde will result in you feeling ready to mingle next spring. Remember, Capricorn, there can be no light without the dark. 

Song Rec: Good Days // SZA


Happy Fall, Water Bearers! Social connections have been more abundant than usual lately and lots of this has been due to Jupiter’s prolonged stay in your first house. The symbiosis between your chart and Jupiter’s state have ensured that these friendships are made to last and it is all thanks to your lively personality & strong sense of fairness. The Friendship trend continues as we move into Sagittarius season! The sun, Mercury, & Mars will all remain in your eleventh house which rules over friendship, hopes, and dreams. Use this time with your people to move toward your deepest desires. Friends aren’t the only thriving relationships for you, the full Moon lunar eclipse will take place in your fourth house of Home and Family. Your loved ones are clearly important to you, take this time to appreciate that!

Song Rec: Girls Go Wild // LP


The end of Neptune retrograde in your first house at the end of this month will help you see things as they truly are. You tend to be emotional and allow your heart to get the better of your head. While living in a dream world can help you to escape the wackiness of reality, waking up can also help you to embrace parts of life that you may not have seen before. Focus on small instances of joy to help keep yourself grounded, Pisces! The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will be a perfect way to usher in this time of connection to the material world. Because the eclipse occurs in your third house of Taurus, it is the perfect time for you to record your thoughts. It is also an ideal time to communicate your feelings to those who need to hear them. Let yourself be heard, Pisces! Dreams are often mirrors to our everyday worlds. 

Song Rec: Sunrise // Norah Jones