A/N: Abigail told me his favorite flower was a begonia. A begonia sits in our apartment, and is nurtured by her every day. To the administration at Evergreen, and the people who were supposed to keep Jonathan Rodriguez safe, I hope you feel immense amounts of shame for what you have done. Why did it take my friend dying for change to happen, for the necessary maintenance to be done? No amount of money, community updates, or investigations will bring him back. This is for Jonathan Rodriguez, a light in everyone’s lives, who remains a light. Another close friend of Jonathan said to me, “He was a beautiful human, and now he is beautiful energy.”  

Begonia growing in wet soil

Nurtured by the light, the air, the water, the love

Flowing around it, flowing within it

Becoming the light, the air, the water, the love

Flowing around it, flowing within it

Flowers grew beside, nurtured by the light, the air, the water, the love

Flowing around it, flowing within it

For Begonia became the light, and allowed the flowers around it to grow from the energy

Flowing around it, flowing within it

Those who basked in Begonia’s presence

Left feeling rejuvenated, feeling joyous, feeling

Filled with the light, the air, the water, the love

Flowing around it, flowing within it

And oh, the ones who planted Begonia

They could not be more proud

Of its growth

Of its beauty

Of the light, the air, the water, the love

Flowing around it, flowing within it

Begonia stood tall

Leaves spotted with white

Petals full and red

Roots strong and deep

Stretching  through the soil 

Filled with the light, the air, the water the love

Flowing around it, flowing within it

There I grew 

There they grew

There we grew

Alongside Begonia 

And there we stood tall together

Leaves and petals shaking and dancing in the wind


In the world that once was 

Filled with the light, the air, the water, the love

Flowing around it, flowing within it

There we were

Fueled by the world

Fueled by the light

Fueled by the air

Fueled by the water

Fueled by the love

Fueled by the potential and hope of the future

Of the growth we had yet to experience

And of the growth we had experienced together

Me, you and Begonia

We became the light, the air, the water, the love

We flowed around it, within it

But suddenly, so suddenly

The air, so beautiful

So pure

And the breath, so deep

Became tainted

Became poisoned

Begonia reached out for the one who could give its air back

A self proclaimed gardener, who’d taken care of many beautiful flowers before Begonia

Someone who promised the light

Promised the air

The water

And the love

Flowing around it, flowing within it

He had hands that were meant to reach back to Begonia

And a heart that was meant to care

A voice that was supposed to speak out

But he became silent



He turned his back on Begonia, blocking the light with his presence

And Begonia withered away

Begonia so tall

Roots so grounded

Petals so full

We watched them fall 

We catch them in our hands

Our hands that will always reach out

Hearts that will always care

And voices that will always speak up

We do this

Because he turned his back to Begonia

Because he chose not to

Because he didn’t know the beauty of

The light, the air, the water, the love

Flowing around, flowing within

We hold these petals, delicately

Remembering Begonia through the intricacy of each line, each spot, each splash of color

We take him with us, with every step we walk

Across the world, close to home

Petals, leaves trailing where we go

Hoping one day, we see him grow once more

And although, Begonia is gone

The wet soil from which he grew, now barren and dry

We feel him still

In the light, the air, the water, the love

That flows around us

That flows within us

And in this, he remains

And here, within us

He grows