
A/N: Abigail told me his favorite flower was a begonia. A begonia sits in our apartment, and is nurtured by her every day. To the administration at Evergreen, and the people who were supposed to keep Jonathan Rodriguez safe, I hope you feel immense amounts of shame for what you […]

On Cringe

A trans woman’s reflections on societal otherment By Maeve G. Howser In 2016, a year oft remembered by trans women my age for its online political culture, I was coming off the heels of being (mostly) open about my identity as a trans woman, a lesbian, and a furry, until […]

Statement from President John Carmichael to the CPJ

 The Cooper Point Journal reached out to Evergreen’s Media and Public Relations department to provide our campus community with the school’s official statement on the recent campus tragedy. Below John Carmichael’s words, the CPJ has compiled relevant items from recent updates and notices previously released by the college as well […]

Evergreen Housing Survey Report 

“Olympia’s housing market is an inconvenient truth that the Evergreen administration has to face. Evergreen wants to enroll more students, but where are they supposed to live?” Grace McClarty in ‘Collecting Data on Evergreen’s Housing Crisis,’ published in the October 2023 CPJ Undergraduate Capstone Researchers Grace McClarty and Jaina Nehm […]