MAY 21, 2024 The Evergreen State College released the charges for two of the four Disappearing Task Forces (DTFs) outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment and members of Evergreen Executive Leadership. These charges provide the guidance and structure for the Task Forces. 

Below are the charges for the Investment Policy and Grant Acceptance Policy Task Forces as made available online 

Investment Policy Disappearing Task Force Charge


As part of the agreement between the college and the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment, the Investment Policy Disappearing Task Force is charged.   The agreement calls for the task force to propose:

…revisions to investment policies, including new proposed language on socially responsible investments/divestments.  The task force will develop a definition of socially responsible investing.  The DTF will address divestment from companies that profit from gross human rights violations and/or the occupation of Palestinian territories.


The scope of this charge includes recommendations to both the college and The Evergreen State College Foundation.  Relevant current policies include the College Investment Policy the College Endowment Investment and Spending Policy and the Foundation Investment and Spending Policy. (policy text available through

Work Plan

The first meeting for the Task Force will be scheduled to occur before the end of Spring Quarter.  At that meeting, the Task Force will develop a preliminary schedule.  If meetings are scheduled over the summer, the President’s Office will provide budgetary support for faculty participation.

I am asking the task force to develop a work plan that includes:

  1. Research

Identify readings and other educational resources needed to become familiar with institutional investing and socially responsible investing.

Gather information from college staff on current college and foundation investments and investment policies.

Examine investment policies from other institutions.

  1. Modeling

To the extent possible, estimate the impact of proposed changes in investment policies on investment returns and scholarship budgets.

  1. Consultation

Before finalizing recommendations, seek input from members of the Evergreen community.

Provide quarterly progress reports to the Geoduck Student Union, the Faculty Agenda Committee, and the Executive Leadership Team.

  1. Recommendations

Deliver recommendations to the President by the end of Fall Quarter 2024.  The President will respond in Winter Quarter 2025.  The President’s response will include a clear statement of the process for final decisions that would allow for implementation to begin in Spring 2025 and be completed by Spring 2026.


Under the agreement, the disappearing task force will include three students appointed by the Geoduck Student Union, two faculty appointed by the Faculty Agenda Committee, and additional staff appointed by the President. The President will designate a chair or co-chairs of the task force.


Dan Ralph will provide administrative support for the task force’s work, including scheduling and notetaking as needed.  Requests for additional budgetary support should be referred to the Office of the President.

Grant Acceptance Policy Disappearing Task Force Charge


As part of the agreement between the college and the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment, the Grant Acceptance Policy Disappearing Task Force is charged.   The agreement calls for the task force to recommend:

…a policy that would provide criteria for accepting or refusing grant funding based on the purposes of the grant.  Criteria would include such considerations as whether grants facilitate illegal occupations abroad, limit free speech, or support oppression of minorities.

Relevant current policies include the College Fundraising Policy. (policy text available through


Please propose criteria for accepting or refusing grant funding based on the purposes of the grant.  These criteria, when they are finalized and approved, will be included in a separate, new policy that replaces the portion of the current policy that speaks specifically to grants.

Work Plan

The task force should develop a work plan that includes:

  1. Research

Identify readings and other educational resources needed to become familiar with ethical philanthropy and academic freedom.  

Gather information from college staff on current college policies and practices.  

Examine relevant policies from other institutions.

  1. Consultation

Seek input from members of the Evergreen community before finalizing recommendations.

Provide quarterly progress reports to the Geoduck Student Union, the Faculty Agenda Committee, and the Executive Leadership Team.

  1. Recommendations

Identify and address how policy proposals would (or would not) affect the academic freedom of members of the Evergreen community, and the principle of shared governance.

Deliver recommendations to the Faculty, the President, the Faculty Agenda Committee, and the Board of Trustees by the end of Fall Quarter 2024.  The President will circulate the task force’s report to students, faculty, and staff via e-mail and will respond to recommendations in Winter 2025.  The president’s response will include a clear statement of the process for final decisions that would allow for implementation to begin in Spring 2025 and be completed by Spring 2026.

  1. Membership

Under the agreement, the disappearing task force will include three students appointed by the Geoduck Student Union, two faculty appointed by the Faculty Agenda Committee, and additional staff appointed by the President. The President will designate a chair or co-chairs of the task force.


Katherine Sackmann will provide administrative support for the task force’s work, including scheduling and notetaking as needed.  Requests for additional budgetary support should be referred to the Office of the President.