Police Services Surge and SEM I Renovation Project By Hero Winsor On March 8th, 2024, the Evergreen State College Board of Trustees approved the award of a contract of $25.5 million dollars for the renovation of the Seminar I building. The project is currently on the last two steps of […]
Evergreen Eye on Science
I Could Do this, I Could Do this as a Job… Some Personal Experiences from the ACS Career Event Hero Winsor Graduating college is scary. There’s no real way around it. You’re armed with a bachelor’s degree and a dream. As June grows closer you might be anxiously checking your […]
February 5th Leadership Update Bulletin
By Hero Winsor On February 5th, Administration headed by president John Carmichael shared a set of leadership updates via a zoom webinar accessible to the Staff & Faculty DL email list. Requiring more in-depth reporting for subsequent issues, here is a brief bulletin of the topics discussed:
Cursed Items at the Trade Blanket? It’s More Likely than You Think…
by prize-winning teller of truths Hero Winsor At the most recent trade blanket, Greeners swapped a variety of items. Makeup palettes were exchanged for chachkies, chachkies were traded for ancient cassette tapes. This may seem harmless; however, according to a few students, more sinister items had been obtained during the […]
Clam Law
By dubiously acclaimed court reporter, Hero Winsor The sixth amendment of the constitution states the right to a, “speedy and public trial.” At The Evergreen State College, jurisprudential measures have recently been made to follow this amendment to the letter. All campus disputes are now settled by the Honorable Judge […]
Kit Mora
By Hero Winsor Content Warning: mention of abuse, child abuse, transphobia, police Kit Mora (they/them) is a nonbinary, indigenous 17 year old missing out of Omak, Washington. I interviewed Kit’s adoptive older sister Charlotte Groo, who has been leading the search for her sibling, about the details surrounding Kit’s disappearance. […]
Evergreen Eye on Science
Fungal Kingdom Spotlight Part I: Likin’ the Lichens The Fungal Kingdom has been a two quarter upper-division program in mycology and lichenology taught by Lalita Calabria and Paul Przybylowicz. Over winter quarter, students in this program have been doing independent projects in groups. Over the next few issues, I will […]
“Quest for the Grail” and Other Bullshit I Bought for $2
A bargain bin cassette review by Hero Winsor Instead of bringing you my usual fare of science articles and well-labeled fake news, I’m breaking from the form and giving a review of tapes I found for 25 cents each at Half Price Books. Most of these I selected solely based […]
Speedyfication: The hot new trend that may be changing someone you know into a bivalve
It seems like some students at The Evergreen State College are taking the immortal orders of our school’s fight song to “swivel about,” and “let it all hang,” out all too seriously. Revolutionary new technology is now allowing human geoducks to become actual geoducks. Thorn Foster, who lists their inspirations […]
The Plant That Could Learn!
By Hero Winsor If you’ve ever been to the lab buildings on campus, you’ll know how much of a liminal space it is. Going down to the basement this is amplified. The long 70s corridors lead you down a hallway with hanging prints from the printmaking studio in lab II. […]