Education at the Wildlife Refuge

By Elijah Orr The Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge stands as a testament to the incredible power of community collaboration, especially that of the Nisqually Tribe. In 2015 the Refuge was named in honor of Billy Frank Jr., who was a leader in securing Indigenous fishing rights. The […]

Talks With C.O.P.S

By Aster Hall TESC’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) surrounding the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment (EGSE) included creating a Disappearing Task Force (DTF) called Civilian Oversight of Police Services. The description for this DTF states: “Police agencies… should be accountable to civilian (i.e., non-police) authorities and ultimately accountable to the people […]

Statement from President John Carmichael to the CPJ

 The Cooper Point Journal reached out to Evergreen’s Media and Public Relations department to provide our campus community with the school’s official statement on the recent campus tragedy. Below John Carmichael’s words, the CPJ has compiled relevant items from recent updates and notices previously released by the college as well […]


SLIGHTLY WEST LIVES! Missing and presumed dead for the last 10 years, Slightly West is a student-run literary publication, featuring students’ creative literary and visual works easily printed in black and white. We want your poems, stories, pulp, flash fiction, satire, secret magic spells, original chain mail, homemade recipes, manifestos, […]