Photo: “YOYO” by Pat Castaldo is licensed under CC BY 2.0 / Desaturated from original By Daniel Mootz As Fall begins and the school year starts back up, downtown Olympia offers a number of unique venues for creative and artistic expression. From bars to dispensaries, coffee shops to street corners, people gather not only to hang out and catch a few bands, […]
Evergreen Not Alone in Class(room) Struggle
Photo: “LWSD One-Day Walkout” by David Schott is licensed under CC BY 2.0 / Desaturated from original and resized By Alice McIntyre Over the last year, public school teachers throughout the country have had a strike wave, with teachers’ unions taking to the picket lines coast to coast. A total of nearly 300,000 teachers took action in a series of statewide strikes in West Virginia, Oklahoma, and Arizona, […]
Amazon on Fire: Political Tension & Climate Change in Brazil
Photo: Public domain photograph of the Amazon Rainforest, created by NASA By Allegra Simpkins Media was set ablaze with commentary last month, as news of wildfires in the Amazon rainforest and other areas of South America sparked controversy among environmentalists around the world. The initial panic has calmed down, but the aftermath has many people confused about global policies surrounding wildfires, […]