
An Archival Art Gallery

Photo: Retrospective Gallery. Shayna Clayton & Britt Pierro by Jacob Anderson-Kester Currently on display in Evergreen’s Gallery is an exhibit showcasing hidden pieces from Evergreen’s past, fittingly titled Retrospective. The exhibit’s works were curated from Evergreen’s art collection, with a particular focus to the 1970s Pacific Northwest art scene and the earliest days of the college. “A lot […]

Longhouse Closed for Repair

Photo: The Evergreen State College’s Longhouse, Shayna Clayton by Daniel Mootz The Evergreen Longhouse, tucked away on the edge of campus, is not allowing anyone in due to recent safety concerns. According to Christine Hoffman, Evergreen’s public relations outreach manager, a “heating and hot water utility failure” is to blame. The underground line in question connects the Longhouse […]

Brian Departee: Peach Fuzz Presents

Photo: Art by Brian Departee Artist Interview with Jacob Anderson-Kester Brian DePartee is a photographer whose primary artistic focus (at the moment) is the documentation of music throughout the Pacific Northwest. His project, Peach Fuzz Presents, functions as a photographic archive of shows in Olympia, Seattle, and beyond. Currently rounding about the end of his time at […]

Evergreen’s Theater Community Facing Limitations after Budget Cuts

Photo: The Evergreen State College’s Communications Building, Shayna Clayton by Miette Deschenes In spring of 2018, the Experimental Theater, Costume Shop, and Scene Shop were shut down, and several faculty and staff lost their jobs, due to a budget cut in the performing arts department. Now, with only one full-time theater faculty remaining, students mostly have to rely on themselves […]

How to Advocate for Yourself:

Campus Resources and Students Rights

Trigger Warning: This article mentions sexual assault, rape, and harm. by Mariah Guilfoil-Dovel As stated by the Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (DOJ), one in four women experience sexual assault while in college. There are more than 19 million students enrolled in higher education in the United States of America, however, women make up the highest percentage of […]