The Father of the Internet

Photo: “Philip Emeagwali” by InfoATemeagwaliDOTcom. CC BY-SA 4.0 / Desaturated & resized from original by Eden Staplefoote After the Soviet Union launched the first man-made satellite into orbit in 1957, the United States quickly realized that the ability to send information back and forth between computers at a distance had far reaching […]

The HCC:

A Ticking Time Bomb

Photo courtesy of the author by Brittanyana Pierro On Jan. 28, the on-campus Housing Community Center (HCC) was issued an immediate closure by the Thurston County Fire Department. Matt Lebens, the environmental health and safety coordinator, sent out a mass email to all on-campus residents that same evening stating: “ … the fire department has issued […]

Leaving Your Legacy at Evergreen with the NSSE

by Leviathan Davis The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) will be appearing in the emails of first-year and senior students Mar. 9. The survey is issued every two years and influences institutional changes surrounding Evergreen’s resource allocation. In addition, the survey informs how Evergreen organizes its curriculum in an effort to […]

The Flaming Eggplant is 100% That Good

Photo: The Flaming Eggplant by Shayna Clayton By Mariah Guilfoil-Dovel “The Flaming Eggplant, what the heck is that?” If you know, then you know, but if you find yourself utterly confused at those words then you aren’t alone. The Flaming Eggplant is a cafe-style restaurant located on the Olympia campus of The Evergreen State College, in […]

Evergreen RAs Present List of Demands

Photo courtesy of the author / resized from original By Brittanyana Pierro Several students working as Residential Advisors (RAs) for on-campus housing have recently quit their jobs due to lack of adequate pay, a concern for food security and issues of transparent communication with Residential and Dining Services (RAD) professional staff.  On Oct. 22, just three weeks after the […]