The door of my apartment is plum colored. In the early morning the windows are mostly covered, with small gaps in between the shades. Around 5 a.m some engines can be heard outside—these ones mostly whirring and grunting— predating most of the silently gliding machines that will arrive later. On […]
In Honor of Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi and International Struggle
By Economics for Everyone From the Pacific Northwest to Palestine, the world mourns the tragic killing of Ayşenur EzgiEygi. Ayşenur was protesting against an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bankwhen Israeli troops opened fire upon demonstrators. During a memorial service for Ayşenur thattook place in the city of […]
What do you do when your university isn’t made for you? That’s not to say that any are- but Evergreen is a school that, to many of us, seemed to be an answer to our prayers. Most I’ve spoken to who came to Evergreen came not out of great want […]
Student Artist Interview: Meg Reed
Interviewer: Ella Colwell I think I create a very juvenile, off-kilter stream of consciousness kind of art. Not just in the look of the art itself but also because I’ll draw on everything and anything and use anything and everything to draw it. My favorite utensils are paint or sharpie […]
I Remember Jonathan
I remember. I remember the day the news came out. The crowd that gathered at Red Square to talk about Jonathan. To be angry for him, to mourn him, to remember him. I remember sitting in the hospital, scrolling through the pictures, the footage. I remember hearing the stories. I […]
As we leave the shadow of March’s lunar eclipse, you may have had realizations about personal relationships. With Mercury stationing retrograde on April 2 and the solar eclipse on April 8, the heavens are shaking things up. Look to your sun and rising – take only what resonates.
ARIES – You might find yourself reaching out – you should – but don’t get eager to please. Possible increased responsibility at work. Watch your spending on personal items. Newfound initiative is likely heading into May. Song recommendation: Shaking Paper by Cat Power. TAURUS – You may be feeling more […]
To Lesbians, Lewis County, and the Color Lavander
you have ten black ice air fresheners and a picture of us hanging from your rearview mirror. zoom in on the photo booth slip – “lights camera action!” is printed boldly on the bottom and our faces are pressed together smiling. then we’re being silly. and in the last frame, […]
Washington Student Association Conference – Juniper Campbell Geoduck Student Union (GSU) Director of Legislative Affairs
This past winter during this year’s legislative session, I went into the belly of the beast to lobby the state legislature on behalf of the Evergreen student body as a part of an organization known as the Washington Student Association (WSA). If you saw my article in the 2024 February […]
Make change at Evergreen – Join student governance for next year
By: Kayla Mahnke Hargett and Natalie Arneson, Student Activities staff Student governance positions will soon be accepting applications for next year! There are over 20 positions for students to serve in a wide range of capacities across campus. These roles put certain decision making in the hands of students and […]
The biggest CPJ story of 44 years ago!
By Kathy Davis As an idealistic, aspiring student of journalism, I was excited and nervous at the start of Evergreen’s academic year in Fall 1980. After a year of study in a journalism group contract while reporting for the Cooper Point Journal, I spent Summer quarter sharing co-editing duties and […]