EVERGREEN ENCAMPMENT: Bargaining Steps Back From Role By the CPJ auxiliary team News Brief Gathered as a part of ongoing developments around the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment. For the previous article on the early stages of the camp, click here. After the last negotiation meeting yesterday afternoon, April 26th, in […]
Letter From M.E.S.A on Palestinan Solidarity on TESC
To all TESC Staff and Students, Our Ethical Statement Members of the Master of Environmental Studies Student Association (MESA) proclaim our deep grief and outrage in response to the ongoing siege and genocide in Gaza. We recognize the inextricable linkages between colonialism, white supremacy, war, and ecological destruction. Settler colonial […]
reprinted submission courtesy of the Arcade Projects This article first appeared as a submission in the 2023-2024 Disorientation Manual: a student and working-class guide to the Evergreen State College, a compilation zine written and edited over the summer of 2023 and distributed by the Arcade Projects. The following introduction and […]
Writing Center Call for Ceasefire: Divestment
March 10, 2024 Staff of the Writing Center To the Evergreen Administration, We members of the tutoring staff at the Evergreen Writing Center are writing today as part of a wider student movement to proclaim our solidarity with the 2.2 million citizens of Palestine currently under siege, as well as […]
On Strategic Planning at Evergreen
River Scheuerell As some of you may know, Evergreen is in the process of developing the college’s next strategic plan. This plan will influence where the college chooses to focus time, effort, and resources over the next five years. As such, it is crucially important work, and to this point […]
GSU Town hall
The GSU town hall happened last month, on February 28th, in the Daniel J. Evans Hall Lobby. Open for all students to join and to express comments, questions and concerns that they have regarding the school. No admin were invited in order to “hold a safe space for students to […]
Theatre Speaks Louder Than Words
tick, tick… boom, the performing arts at evergreen, etc. Tick, Tick… BOOM! is a show born out of passion and anger–anger at the systems that said it wasn’t possible, anger at the systems that provided empty praise and gave no support, anger at the systems that ignored. I’m not only […]
The Cat Who Took A Walk
By Lexis Sixel In a far far land, right down the street Where the oak trees and the golf course meet, If you go up to the door and knock You’ll find the cat who likes a walk The cat is large and she is hairy And when she’s hungry […]
A Frankenstein Mash-up of Old Drafts for my Grad School Personal Statements
Writing is an act of trickery. All my work is coming at you from the wrong direction – multiple wrong directions at once. I have two modes – ideas as abstract as a dream or words wielded as a blunt instrument. I do my best when I have either the […]
RE: On-campus Palestine Actions and Information Distribution – Beldaan Solidarity Network
The genocide in Gaza perpetrated by Israeli Occupation Forces has murdered, injured, and disappeared over 100,000 Palestinians since October 7th, 2023 (WHO). Palestinians, in occupied territory and diaspora, are experiencing the destruction of their homes, primary schools and universities, places of worship, orchards, and lifeways all while the world watches. […]