Part One of ERRATICA: From the Desk of Fiore Amore, Esq. The return to campus has assuredly been a turbulent time for everyone. In this foul and plague-ridden year of our lord, 2021, even that which we’re closest to remains unfamiliar. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw […]
To Our Favorite Team of Virgins…
Thank you for visiting our beautiful campus and leaving. We know that your visit wasn’t all that you hoped it would be. Word on the street was that your team of pseudo-reporters were in search of pussy, among other things. Unfortunately, the college’s administration is busy typing cliché PSAs and […]
Basic Need Insecurity Rampant Among Students at The Evergreen State College
Submitted By JC Wortham of the Evergreen Basic Needs Student Team The Evergreen State College, like many schools across the country, got hit with the brunt of the impacts of the pandemic. This exasperates a lot of issues and hardships students faced even before the pandemic. Though organizations and schools […]
Letter to the Editor: “Protect Thacker Pass”
By Paul Feather (featured image by Travis London) I never thought I’d be fighting the environmental movement, but here I am. I’m sitting at the top of Thacker Pass, NV surrounded by old-growth sagebrush. This place is in danger, and so are the antelope that greeted my arrival, the meadowlarks […]
A Union of Nobodies, Part Two
By Fiore Amore Here we stood in front of a flame-engulfed McDonald’s staring right at the inhuman face of our small-town business community. Gone was any pretense. Behold the mighty hog, a sight for the ages beyond belief. From this point forward my memory fails me. Only glimpses and fragments […]
[VIDEO] Footage from the Red Lion Hotel Incident
Embedded below is a video from the Police Surveillance Project. This video was sent to us under the suggestion that we share it. It contains commentary that advocates for a man named Lee Isaac and is critical of the actions of the authorities at the incident that occurred at the […]
Vida y Supervivencia al Northwest ICE Processing Center
Por Caroline Keane Traducción: Madeline Farías Durante la pandemia COVID-19 han ocurrido tres olas de huelgas de hambre en el Northwest ICE Processing Center (NWIPC), anteriormente conocido como Northwest Detention Center, con hasta trescientas personas. Las huelgas de hambre por parte de las personas prisioneras (migrantes y no migrantes) han […]
Life and Survival at the Northwest ICE Processing Center
By Caroline Keane En español During the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been 3 waves of hunger strikes at the Northwest ICE Processing Center (NWIPC)—formerly known as Northwest Detention Center (NWDC)—with as many as 300 people participating in one and lasting at least 100 days. Hunger strikes by prisoners (migrant and […]
By Nate Warrows We are afraid of dying in the object, in the building. Afraid of our own teeth, as each one is a small bit of bone that lives inside our mouth and our bodies, the whole of which can start to waste away if a rotten tooth goes […]
A Union of Nobodies, Part One
By Fiore Amore We were in the worst alley behind the worst bar in the worst town in the worst state when we made the most important decision of our lives. “COMRADES!” boomed Lennie, standing wobbly with a fifth of Stoli in his hand. “Tonight we make the most important […]