Embedded below is a video from the Police Surveillance Project. This video was sent to us under the suggestion that we share it. It contains commentary that advocates for a man named Lee Isaac and is critical of the actions of the authorities at the incident that occurred at the […]
Vida y Supervivencia al Northwest ICE Processing Center
Por Caroline Keane Traducción: Madeline Farías Durante la pandemia COVID-19 han ocurrido tres olas de huelgas de hambre en el Northwest ICE Processing Center (NWIPC), anteriormente conocido como Northwest Detention Center, con hasta trescientas personas. Las huelgas de hambre por parte de las personas prisioneras (migrantes y no migrantes) han […]
Life and Survival at the Northwest ICE Processing Center
By Caroline Keane En español During the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been 3 waves of hunger strikes at the Northwest ICE Processing Center (NWIPC)—formerly known as Northwest Detention Center (NWDC)—with as many as 300 people participating in one and lasting at least 100 days. Hunger strikes by prisoners (migrant and […]
By Nate Warrows We are afraid of dying in the object, in the building. Afraid of our own teeth, as each one is a small bit of bone that lives inside our mouth and our bodies, the whole of which can start to waste away if a rotten tooth goes […]
A Union of Nobodies, Part One
By Fiore Amore We were in the worst alley behind the worst bar in the worst town in the worst state when we made the most important decision of our lives. “COMRADES!” boomed Lennie, standing wobbly with a fifth of Stoli in his hand. “Tonight we make the most important […]
Oedipus Complex 3: Saint Pete
By Fiore Amore Content warning: mentions of suicide, self harm I’ve spent nine whole years of my life wanting to kill myself and by god, I did it. “Finally! Suck my dick, corporeal being! You don’t mean a goddamn thing to me.” Or so I thought. Funny thing: I was […]
Oedipus Complex 2.5: Rate Your Kink
with Fiore Amore I will now proceed to rate the majority of paraphilias listed on Wikipedia either “based” or “cringe” on no grounds other than my opinion. Abasiophilia (people with impaired mobility): Based. This is a big win for disability justice. Acrotomophilia (amputees): Cringe. This is just Abasiophilia but weirdly […]
Oedipus Complex 2: This is Not Erotica
Part II of “Oedipus Complex,” by Fiore Amore As I left the studio apartment at 161 Rose Lane, my place of residence, I let out a begrudging sigh. So began another day. It was February, with chills abound on the two-mile stroll to his house. I couldn’t drive, I’m not […]
Oedipus Complex
with Fiore Amore There is no place on this planet more freakish than Middle America. Nothing has been more antithetical to enthusiasm, such potent fuel for that most pervasive disease known as depression. My descent into it was a point-blank stare into the raw id of this country. Convention dictates […]