A Union of Nobodies, Part Two

By Fiore Amore Here we stood in front of a flame-engulfed McDonald’s staring right at the inhuman face of our small-town business community. Gone was any pretense. Behold the mighty hog, a sight for the ages beyond belief.  From this point forward my memory fails me. Only glimpses and fragments […]


By Nate Warrows We are afraid of dying in the object, in the building. Afraid of our own teeth, as each one is a small bit of bone that lives inside our mouth and our bodies, the whole of which can start to waste away if a rotten tooth goes […]

A Union of Nobodies, Part One

By Fiore Amore We were in the worst alley behind the worst bar in the worst town in the worst state when we made the most important decision of our lives. “COMRADES!” boomed Lennie, standing wobbly with a fifth of Stoli in his hand. “Tonight we make the most important […]