“I’m Luz, I’m a mestiza artist of Peruvian, Spanish, and Native American descent expressing my heritage through my art. I love colors, and used them to convey feelings in my work! My main medium is my signature sharpie art, as well as dabbling in fiber art and collage!” CPJ: So, […]
By Jason Stone Guten tagen fellow Greeners! After fulfilling a permanently temporary exiile from sociiety ii had an opportunity to view Beau Iis Afraid, a three-hour long fiilm from Arii Aster. Aster, more well known for hiis horror films Heriiditary and Miidsommar, explores the adjacent space of surreal, comedy horror […]
CANOE – A Flowing Fiction by Mj Richards
none of this is real
SLIGHTLY WEST LIVES! Missing and presumed dead for the last 10 years, Slightly West is a student-run literary publication, featuring students’ creative literary and visual works easily printed in black and white. We want your poems, stories, pulp, flash fiction, satire, secret magic spells, original chain mail, homemade recipes, manifestos, […]
Artist Feature: Noquisi Christian-Smith
Artist Feature: Noquisi Christian-Smith by Natalie “Lee” Arneson Noquisi (they/them), is a multi-racial third-year student at Evergreen. They have a focus in history and cultural studies. Their favorite art mediums are ceramics, paper cuts, and darkroom photography. Their current project is a series of paper cuts that are based on […]
Evergreen horrors article #2: The Night Walker
Isak Luna Urrego Bailén Simultaneously one of the most frequently seen and least understood cryptids on campus. While many have gazed upon it, few realize this blurry figure wandering the night is anything but human. Those with common sense have nothing to fear, but those who like to chase shadows […]
Shaping our work and Shaping Ourselves
A Program Spotlight: “Studio Projects: Rites of Passage” By Grace Selvig Studio Projects: Rites Of Passage is a 16 credit, 3 quarter program based in ceramics and ritual studies. The program is very structured with two theme projects a quarter as well as weekly readings, essays, lectures and skills assignments. […]
“Quest for the Grail” and Other Bullshit I Bought for $2
A bargain bin cassette review by Hero Winsor Instead of bringing you my usual fare of science articles and well-labeled fake news, I’m breaking from the form and giving a review of tapes I found for 25 cents each at Half Price Books. Most of these I selected solely based […]
Feeding the Diaspora: a Good Cup of Coffee
French press coffee is one of the many things I learned from my dad in the kitchen and one of the things he’s always been a huge stickler about. I’m not sure when he got so specific about his coffee or where he first tried french press coffee—Dad recalls his […]