By Ira Zuckerman In past weeks, the jet black walls across 4th and Jefferson from the Crypt were under the warning sign: “Wet Acid Keep Out.” Over Halloween weekend, a new sign went up: “Obsidian Coming This Fall” in a Gothic font. Formerly, these walls belonged to Jezebel’s Bar and […]
The Northern is Moving Olympia’s All Ages Music Project Finds a New Location
By Blaine Ewig The rumor mill around town has been abuzz with allegations that Olympia’s beloved all-ages, DIY music venue and gallery space, the Northern, will be coming to a close. These rumors are exactly that; rumors. The Northern will not, in fact, be closing. However, many big changes will be […]
Olympia Film Festival Preview
For the past 30 years, the Olympia Film Society has put on a film festival for the city of Olympia. The Olympia Film Festival offers up a chance to see rare and experimental films that normally wouldn’t be shown. The 10-day event takes up to five months of planning and […]
Up & Coming (Nov. 7 – Nov. 12)
Arts & culture events happening from November 7th to November 12th, 2014. Friday, Nov. 7 COM 110 7:30pm. FREE 8-Channel Music Compositions Le Voyeur 404 4th Ave E. 6pm. ALL AGES Alone Midnight Sun 113 N Columbia Ave. 9pm. FREE Full Moon Radio, Jupiter Sprites, Globelamp Northern 414 1/2 Legion […]
Up & Coming (Oct. 31 – Nov 5)
FRIDAY OCT. 31 4th Ave Tavern 210 4th Ave E. 9pm. 21+ AKA, Double B & Laces, Cauze N Efekt Brotherhood Lounge 119 Capitol Way NE. 9pm. $5. 21+ Planned Parenthood Benefit w/ DJ Fir$t Lady Capitol Theater 206 5th Ave SE. 8pm. $10 Night of the Living Tribute Bands […]
Up & Coming (Oct. 24 – Oct. 30)
Arts & culture events in Olympia between Oct. 24 and Oct. 30. FRIDAY OCT. 24 Capitol Theater 206 5th Ave SE. 9pm. $8 / $2 student The Nightmare Before Christmas Cryptatropa 421 4th Ave E. 21+ Alto, Chrome Windows, Greggg, L.A. Lungs Le Voyeur 404 4th Ave E. 7pm. ALL […]
Mutant Radio Turns One
Olympia Poetry Series Celebrates Their One Year Anniversary With a Reading on October 26
By Felix Asherah Chrome Standing around on the sidewalk with friends, hugging and chatting as the sun goes down, it feels just like the scene outside one of the countless punk shows I’ve attended since I moved to Olympia. But I’m not here to see my friends’ bands play. We are […]
Death of Hysterics
Olympia Hardcore-Punk Band Sells Out Final Show
By Josh Wolf More than 150 people packed the Northern Friday Oct. 10 to watch Olympia-born hardcore-punk band Hysterics, while some 50 others hung out outside of the sold-out show. This was the last time Olympia would ever see Hysterics. Dedicated fans from British Columbia, Oregon, California, and Idaho travelled to […]
Stuff To Do: Halloween Weekend
By Ira Zuckerman FRIDAY 10/31 Night of the Living Tribute Bands (Capitol Theater, 206 5th Ave SE, 8pm, $10) As rock groups, Bon Jovi and Weezer don’t really share artistic traits. All they have in common is that they made it. For the Olympia Film Society, that’s enough to put them […]
My Inebriated Journey
Screaming Females at the Palace Flophouse
By Garrett Bekemeyer The night began with the purchasing of two bottles of Johnny Bootlegger and a pack of cigarettes, followed by a hasty drive to the Eastside fueled by Little Big Town singing to our caravan the tales of being born and raised in the boondocks. We arrived at the […]
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