Student Submission BY DAVID JAQUES “Put your gun to your head. Pull your trigger–now you’re dead.” “I’m a punk. I’m a freak. I hate you and you hate me.” “Ha ha ha, blah blah blah; either way you die.” These are the lyrical maxims of GAG, amongst others, expressing nihilistic […]
Clothes–Minded Memories
BY SARA FABIAN Nostalgia is the feeling and emotion we experience when remembering the past and longing to be in a moment again. Something as big as a photograph, or as small as a smell, could trigger our memory and take us back in time. Clothes play an important role […]
Artist Profile ~ Matt Smith
ARTIST PROFILE: MATT SMITH By Josh Wolf I spoke with Evergreen artist, Matt Smith, about dead museums, Futurism, and drinking while painting. His upcoming show at Sage’s Cafe is Friday, January 24 with four other local artists, and performances from three local music groups. Josh Wolf: Hey Matt, what have you […]
From Icon to Iconic
WORDS BY SARA FABIAN / PHOTOS BY BLAINE EWIG Overworn, over-loved, and appreciated by many, band T-shirts are a badge of identity, conveying a sense of community with the band that you love. They are a symbol of rebellious youth. Stuffed in a drawer or in the far reaches of […]
Artist Profile: Jamie Nadel
I started taking pictures when I was sixteen during my Junior year of high school in San Diego. That was the year I failed all my classes except for Photography. Shortly after, my music teacher gave me a Pentax K1000 and I was making bi-weekly trips to my local pharmacy […]
Born Slippy Premier and Interview
By Alexandra Hillyer Skateboarders from all over Olympia, Seattle, Oregon, and even England gathered at the Olympia Film Society to see Alex Cooper’s latest film, “Born Slippy” on Friday, Nov. 22. The film is 40 minutes of intricately-edited footage he collected with like-minded skaters from all over to produce one […]
Accessories at Evergreen’s Arts and Crafts Fair
By Sara Fabian, Photos by Blaine Ewig Who knew that Evergreen’s very own CAB building could be transformed into a grand bazaar. On Dec. 4, local and student venders encircled the rooms on the second and third floor. Through the successful crowds of merchants and buyers, I was able to […]
Make It Work: An Easy Guide to Fashion Accessories
By Sara Fabian Accessories may play a supporting role in the grand scheme of an outfit, but they play an important role in fashion and they are often used to express one’s individuality. Accessories further emphasize personal style, taste, and preferences. They also present endless opportunities for outfits, helping you […]
Spoken Word, Silent Audience
By Blaine Ewig On Wednesday Dec. 4, spoken word poet Andrea Gibson performed at the Longhouse. The show was put on by the Womyn’s Resource Center (WRC) and the Transgender Resources and Education Xtravaganza (T-REX). The Women’s World Poetry Slam winner delivered her lines with confidence and moxy while the […]
Capitol Theater Celebrates Repeal Day
By Patrick Stewart As we all know, this holiday season is nigh upon us. And as such, I’d like to take a moment of your time to talk to you about the most important holiday that exists in this fine country of ours. It is not Thanksgiving. It is not […]
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