Open for Communication

After being closed for renovation since fall quarter of 2011, the Evergreen State College’s Communications Building reopened last quarter with some spiffy new technology labs and performance spaces. However, the recital hall isn’t scheduled to be fully renovated until the beginning of spring quarter at the earliest, said Performing Media […]

Revolution Girl Style Still

By Blaine Ewig Evergreen alumni Kathi Wilcox graciously agreed to do an interview with the Cooper Point Journal. While she was a student, Wilcox played in the band Bikini Kill. The group made waves in the world of punk music with their feminist messages and confrontational presence. Last month, Wilcox’s […]

Inside Evergreen Confessions

By Abraham Tadesse With over 2,150 comments already posted, the Evergreen Confessions Facebook page is taking the campus into a more honest place by the use of anonymous comments. Confessions range from No. 2135, “The hottest guys WORK in the greenery. Multiple.” to No. 2145: “shout out to my vibrator […]

WWSD? What Would Satan Do?

by Patrick Stewart When an individual decides that they are interested in a religion, it usually isn’t hard for them to figure out where to turn. There are support groups, online communities, and places of worship for most spiritualities, religions, sects and denominations. But say that you’ve tried God, Buddha, […]