By Felix Chrome On Monday, April 10, inmates at the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma Washington began a hunger strike in protest of what they consider to be inhumane conditions in the Detention Center and unjust long detainment periods prior to seeing a judge or being assigned a court date. […]
Seattle Sues Trump City Takes President Back to Court Over Sanctuary Status
By Chloe Marina Manchester Mayor Ed Murray announced, in a press conference on Wednesday, that the city of Seattle will be suing the Trump administration. This is following a Monday statement from Attorney General Jeff Sessions saying that the Justice Department plans to withhold up to $4.1 billion in federal […]
Local Spice Shop Erects Wall Downtown Business gets Creative in Pursuit of a Cleaner Stoop
By Jasmine Kozak Gilroy Anne Buck, owner of Buck’s Fifth Avenue, was tired of being met each morning by folks sleeping in her doorway, and tired of cleaning up after them, so she built a wall around her doorway with a lock to keep people out. Soon after, the city […]
Tensions Run High at Pro-Trump Rally Olympia “Spirit of America” Rally draws Trump fans and Protesters
By Jasmine Kozak-Gilroy and Felix Chrome On Saturday March 4 an estimated 200 Trump supporters gathered at Heritage Park, for the “Spirit of America” rally celebrating Trumps policies, as well as conservative and nationalist themes. They were joined by approximately 125 counter-protesters, denouncing Trump and what he stands for, and […]
Trump Issues New Travel Ban Original Ban Halted after Washington Lawsuit
By Chloe Marina Manchester On Monday, March 6, President Donald Trump issued a new executive order updating previous ban on immigration and travel from six majority Muslim countries. On Thursday, March 9, Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson said that Washington state would again take Trump to court to extend […]
WA “Blue Lives Matter” Bill Senate Passes Bill Including Police in Hate Crime Statute
By Jasmine Kozak-Gilroy On March 10 Senate Bill 5280 (SB 5280) passed in the Senate chamber with a 35–14 vote, allowing it to move forward into the House. SB 5280’s intended purpose is stated as “making crimes and threats against persons because of their occupation as a law enforcement officer […]
Trial for Andre and Bryson Delayed
By Chloe Marina Manchester The trial for brothers Andre Thompson and Bryson Chaplin, two young black men who were both shot by white Olympia police officer, Ryan Donald, in May 2015, has been delayed again, with no new date set and no judge assigned. Thompson and Chaplin were shot by […]
Dreamer Arrested, Detained in North West Detention Center Lawyers Allege ICE Falsified Gang Affiliations to Justify Detainment
By Jasmine Kozak Gilroy On February 10 Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers arrested and detained 23 year old Daniel Ramirez Medina, an immigrant and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient who has been living in the United States since he was seven years old. Ramirez Medina was first […]
The Fight to Defund DAPL
By Tari Gunstone On Wednesday February 8, the Seattle city council voted unanimously to divest the city’s annual funds of nearly four billion dollars from Wells Fargo over concerns of the bank’s funding of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) in addition to questions regarding the bank’s transparency and integrity. The […]
Washington State Sues Trump Lawsuit Argues Immigration Executive Order is Unconstitutional
By Chloe Marina Manchester On January 30, 2017 Washington State Attorney General, Bob Ferguson, and Governor Jay Inslee filed a lawsuit against Donald Trump, in his capacity as president, Homeland Security, The United States of America, and several high ranking members of the Trump administration, include acting Secretary of State, […]