By ISSAC SCOTT Due to falling enrollment, Evergreen is in a budget crisis and will have to cut costs over the next several years. At a recent community meeting, Evergreen President Les Purce announced the crisis and lead a discussion by outlining the issues, the sources of the crisis, and […]
TEDX Event Highlights Sustainability
BY NICHOLAS BENSE “Ideas worth spreading,” is the focus of the TEDx events taking place all over the globe. The acronym refers to Technology, Entertainment, and Development. Topics concerning these subjects are presented by public speakers, often in narrative format. On April 21, the event came to The Evergreen State […]
Faculty Votes to Limit Independant Study Contracts
DROPPING ENROLLMENT NUMBERS PROMPT ADMINISTRATORS TO RE-THINK THE EVERGREEN CURRICULUM, BUT A RECENT DECISION TO LIMIT CONTRACT CREDITS SPARKS DEBATE BY EMILY McHUGH In January, the Evergreen faculty voted to limit the number of credits individual students can earn from Independent Learning Contracts (ILCs) to 48 from an originally unlimited […]
Evergreen Police Accused of Being Linked to Spying, Towery
BY RAY STILL You can download the all emails sent to the CPJ here: Download Emails On Feb. 25, civil rights lawyer Larry Hildes said on Democracy Now! that The Evergreen State College Police Services has “spied on, infiltrated, or otherwise monitored the activities of Port Militarization Resistance and/or related […]
Smokers Under Fire
On-Campus Smoking Debate Continues BY NICHOLAS BENSE The Evergreen State College currently permits smoking in designated outdoor areas. There are 10 of these smoking spots spaced fairly evenly around the campus. Currently, dialogue is rising regarding whether or not Evergreen’s smoking policy adequately addresses every persons’ needs and concerns in […]
Is the Grass Greener on the Common Side?
BY RAY STILL It is the dawn of a new technological age at Evergreen. The ancient dinosaurs of the TESC Talk and TESC Crier listserv will soon be extinct, and the Greener Commons thread-styled forum will rule the campus as the new option for students to communicate. The project to […]
Deadline Nears for Lawmakers to make Education Reforms
BY ISSAC SCOTT Washington state lawmakers are working to increase education funding and enact other education reforms this legislative session, under pressure from the State Supreme Court and Governor to take decisive action to improve public education in the state. The State Legislature has until April 30 to offer a […]
Quileute Tribe Brings Treaty Rights Dialogue to Campus
BY CASSANDRA JOHNSON-VILLALOBOS Panel of speakers gathered on campus Feb. 28 and discussed the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s treatment of treaty rights. The current agreements allow three non-Quileute tribes to hunt in Quileute game areas, which compromises Quileute access to food and resources. Organized by Evergreen State College […]
Evergreen Grad Sues Olympia Police for False Imprisionment
BY JOSH WOLF I spoke with Evergreen alum Paul French (aka Strife) about why he is suing the Olympia Police Department. French spent two months in prison and argues that he was falsely convicted of assaulting an officer. He is currently suing the OPD for damages. His trial starts on […]
Network Outage on Campus
BY RAY STILL An unplanned network outage could be a college’s worst nightmare. Students would be unable to do their online work, teachers would be cut off from communicating with their students, and the main college website would be down for hours on end. Luckily, The Evergreen State College’s Network […]