TEDX Event Highlights Sustainability

BY NICHOLAS BENSE “Ideas worth spreading,” is the focus of the TEDx events taking place all over the globe. The acronym refers to Technology, Entertainment, and Development. Topics concerning these subjects are presented by public speakers, often in narrative format. On April 21, the event came to The Evergreen State […]

Smokers Under Fire

On-Campus Smoking Debate Continues BY NICHOLAS BENSE The Evergreen State College currently permits smoking in designated outdoor areas. There are 10 of these smoking spots spaced fairly evenly around the campus. Currently, dialogue is rising regarding whether or not Evergreen’s smoking policy adequately addresses every persons’ needs and concerns in […]

Network Outage on Campus

BY RAY STILL An unplanned network outage could be a college’s worst nightmare. Students would be unable to do their online work, teachers would be cut off from communicating with their students, and the main college website would be down for hours on end. Luckily, The Evergreen State College’s Network […]