For the first time in its 44-year history, The Evergreen State College will have a brand-name licensed store, Einstein Brothers Bagels. The bagel joint will be replacing the Seminar II (Sem II) Café plans to be open on September 30. “The perpetual problem with the Seminar II Café is that […]
Strike Brings Campus to a Standstill
FIRST LABOR UNION STRIKE IN 12 YEARS Imagine a college campus without student support staff – no Residential Directors, student advisors, or records and registration staff. Recruitment and admissions staff would be missing, the Counseling Center deserted, the Financial Aid office a ghost town. The Evergreen State College resembled this […]
Union Strike at The Evergreen State College
OLYMPIA – The Evergreen State College is at a standstill as members of the Student Support Services Staff Union (SSSSU) urge community members to join and observe the strike. Participants are gathered at all 12 entrances to the college to block traffic and encourage passengers to join the cause or […]
Clean Energy Committee Saves Bus Pass Program
The Geoduck Student Union (GSU) reported in an email on February 25 that, “the Bus Pass program has a $100,000 shortfall and will be shut down next quarter,” unless there is another way to cover that shortfall. On March 4, the Clean Energy Committee (CEC) voted to grant the necessary […]
Campus Compost Contaminated
Silver Springs, the commercial composting facility that turns Evergreen’s waste from food service areas into compost, is no longer accepting compostable serving utensils at their compost facility. Since 2008 Evergreen has been collecting food waste and other compostable items from the food service areas around campus, including compostable cups, plates, […]
Indigenous New Zealander Activists Speak at Evergreen
February 6 holds great significance for the indigenous populations of New Zealand – collectively known as Aotearoa from post-colonial times. On this day, 173 years ago, the Treaty of Waitangi was signed. In solidarity with the recent Idle No More movement that’s garnering global attention, New Zealanders Dr. Leonie Pilhama […]
Olympia Officially Bans Camping On Public Property
A new ordinance, passed by the City Council of Olympia, went into effect on February 8 making it illegal to camp on public property. The new Chapter of Olympia Municipal Code Title 12 states that “it shall be unlawful at all times to camp or construct camp facilities at or […]
Coal Trains Gain Traction; Environmental Statement Under Review
With the scoping process over last January, the Gateway Pacific Terminal project is waiting for the environmental impact statement (EIS) to give the green light on a terminal proposal for a deepwater export facility that would export coal. The EIS, conducted by Whatcom County, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, […]
PASS Holds Forum to Discuss Assault Rifle Petition
History repeats itself at Evergreen with the discussion of arming our campus police with semi-automatic rifles. The student group, Police Awareness and Student Safety (PASS), has created a petition in support of arming campus police in reaction to the recent number of mass shootings across the country. On January 28, […]
Washington Citizens Petition to Overturn Citizens United
On January 17, thousands of signatures were delivered to the Washington State legislator buildings in support of overturning the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling. Washington to Amend the Constitution (WAMEND), a coalition of lobbyists and special interest groups including WashPIRG, Washington Public Campaigns, and Move to Amend distributed over […]
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