Off of Ensign, Out of Mind

by Jack Stroud In early October, the City of Olympia made the decision (it was ultimately City Manager Jay Burney’s decision) to clear the camp of houseless people parked along Ensign Rd, the main justification thereto being that Ensign residents impeded emergency vehicle traffic to Providence St. Peter’s Hospital. On […]

Social Media: The End of Free Thought

by Jillian Rockford Russia’s Internet Research Agency, also known as IRA, is currently using computational propaganda in order to misguide and control United States voters. Computational propaganda is the use of social networking algorithms along with human curation. The IRA strategically planned out a psychological war against the citizens of […]

George Bridges Announces Upcoming Retirement

Photo: George Bridges, courtesy of the Evergreen Archives by Brittanyana Pierro On Feb. 25, President George Bridges formally announced that he will be retiring from his position at Evergreen. His term will officially end after the 2020-21 school year, when his current contract expires. Bridges stated in a letter written by himself and the Board of Trustees that his […]

The HCC:

A Ticking Time Bomb

Photo courtesy of the author by Brittanyana Pierro On Jan. 28, the on-campus Housing Community Center (HCC) was issued an immediate closure by the Thurston County Fire Department. Matt Lebens, the environmental health and safety coordinator, sent out a mass email to all on-campus residents that same evening stating: “ … the fire department has issued […]

Evergreen RAs Present List of Demands

Photo courtesy of the author / resized from original By Brittanyana Pierro Several students working as Residential Advisors (RAs) for on-campus housing have recently quit their jobs due to lack of adequate pay, a concern for food security and issues of transparent communication with Residential and Dining Services (RAD) professional staff.  On Oct. 22, just three weeks after the […]

No Fare is Fair:

Bobby Carleton on Fare Strikes, Police Brutality, and Direct Action

Photo: Olympia’s Transit Center by Shayna Clayton By Alice McIntyre Bobby Carleton is an Evergreen student and Olympia resident that has been involved with various community organizing projects around housing justice, food justice, and reproductive rights and is currently focused on advocating for fare-free public transit. Given Intercity Transit’s recent decision to eliminate fares starting on Jan. […]