The drama on the staff and faculty DL is burning bright as ever and until it dies down we will be bringing you one email each and every issue. This week’s installment is brought to you by the Cooper Point Journal’s Man of the Year, one mister Bret Weinstein. Day […]
Body Party March 15
Dear Body Party, I got an irregular Pap Test, indicating that I most likely have human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV seems like a very big deal because it could lead to cervical cancer, but also like a very not big deal because I heard most people get it at some point […]
Fuck Civility? Letter to the Editor
By Connor Quisenberry First off, let me say that I do not mean to offend anyone, or intentionally counter the opinions or beliefs of any group of people. I am writing this because I believe that the opinion piece from the February 1, 2017 issue of the Cooper Point Journal, […]
Police are Not Our Friends
By Georgie Hicks We received a letter to the editor by Connor Quisenberry in response to an opinion piece about the new Evergreen Chief of Police Stacy Brown. We do not want the discourse about whether or not police are bad to continue indefinitely, but did not want to publish […]
Fuck Civility! Student Response to Police Chief Stacy Brown’s Comments on Campus Protest
By Georgie Hicks The last issue of this publication included an interview of Stacy Brown, the new Evergreen chief of police. Within that article Brown made several comments that I found unacceptable and in need of dissection. Brown says that in her time as a student at Evergreen–she graduated in […]
Internship Stipends Letter To The Editor
We are writing as members of the Geoduck Student Union in support of a critical fundraising campaign that, we feel, the Class of 2017 Gift should go towards. As many know already, a large portion of Greeners receive financial aid, specifically the state need grant. Many of these students are […]
Fuck Civility! Student Response to Police Chief Stacy Brown’s Comments on Campus Protest
By Georgie Hicks The last issue of this publication included an interview of Stacy Brown, the new Evergreen chief of police. Within that article Brown made several comments that I found unacceptable and in need of dissection. Brown says that in her time as a student at Evergreen–she graduated in […]
Tell the Administration Seminar II Bathrooms Should be All-Gender
I have worked on changing the gendered bathrooms in Seminar II to all-gender for a year now, completing every step that the administration has thrown at me. I have been successful in this process before, changing the bathrooms on the first floor of the CAB to all-gender. As we broke […]
Express Bus Passes (Service to and from Pierce County) Letter to the Editor
By Waylon Robert Before and after I was elected to the Geoduck Student Union I take the InterCity Transit (IT) express buses very often. These are defined as buses that leave Thurston County going to Tacoma and Lakewood. The first thing I ran into was my Evergreen Bus Pass was […]
A Port of the Problem How the Olympia Port Connects to NoDAPL Protest
By Pauline Allen This September the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere permanently surpassed 400ppm (parts per million). The safe level of CO2 is 350ppm (like the climate justice organization named, if you’ve never heard of it I recommend you check it out). The first reading assignment in […]