Letter from the Editor

In the way that most are taught to practice journalism, the ethical responsibility to fair reporting is considered giving equal weight to two sides. We are also taught that objective journalism means that a writer must remove themselves as much as possible from their own perspective in order to avoid […]

Clean Energy Committee Funding Awards

By Paisley Gallagher Clean Energy Committee Outreach Coordinator I would like to send out a big “thank you” to all who applied for Clean Energy Committee funding. We saw a variety of project proposals from research, building projects, and speakers. The applications that were awarded are as follows: Daron Williams, […]

Editorial: Gallery Closure Should Be A Wake-Up Call

Evergreen’s In Serious Crisis, Where’s Our Student Movement?

By Issac Scott Evergreen’s future is in real trouble as state budget cuts decimate programs we hold dear. Perhaps the most vivid example is the impending closure of the Evergreen Gallery, located in the library. It’s been there since 1971, quietly showing off world-renowned artists and the college’s awesome permanent […]