We attended the latest Board of Trustees meeting via zoom webinar on March 8th and discovered that certain members of the board are regular readers of the CPJ. This delighted us! We have always viewed the CPJ as a gathering place for student voices. If you want to get a […]
On Strategic Planning at Evergreen
River Scheuerell As some of you may know, Evergreen is in the process of developing the college’s next strategic plan. This plan will influence where the college chooses to focus time, effort, and resources over the next five years. As such, it is crucially important work, and to this point […]
A Second Open Letter To Vice President Dexter Gordon
By Rowan Utzinger Dr. Gordon, When I wrote to you in January, I was grieving, and I was furious. I was watching my friends grieve for someone they loved, and I was watching my community reel from a tragedy that was obviously senseless. More immediately, I had just attended the […]
Studying abroad by myself through an Evergreen ILC was one of the best decisions I have made at this school. I want to tell CPJ readers about it.
My first Dispatch from Greece Monday, October 9 I have been in Greece for three weeks: eleven days in Athens, and ten days on the island of Chios. In Athens, I went to a punk rock show at the Agricultural University of Athens and saw what Evergreen could be. The […]
Alpine Lichens; the Newest Victim of Climate Change?
Elise Grange Vascular plants, and fungal communities are experiencing big changes in alpine areas around the world. While the effects of warming temperatures in alpine zones has been documented in regards to vascular plants, little has been said on one of the region’s most common organisms, lichens! Lichens are a […]
Letter From Editor
Since the Cooper Point Journal last went to print, our community has been grieving the loss of Jonathan Rodriguez. Jon was 21 years old. He was a brother, son, lover, and friend. Jon was excited to graduate this spring. Jon, you are deeply cherished, deeply loved, deeply missed. We put […]
On Love and Liberation
By Sofía Isabella Malo “At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.” – Che Guevara When I was 18, I lost my best friend. They had also just turned 18 and had already used up more […]
Beldaan Solidarity Network Response to John Carmichael and Dexter Gordan
On October 11th, the Evergreen State College President’s office widely sent a statement titled “Engaging one another in Empathy and Civility.” Beldaan Solidarity Network, which is built up of Evergreen students, finds this statement gravely concerning, and we reject and condemn Evergreen’s attempt to remain apolitical on this issue in […]
Holding – Quinn Kotara
Many people ask Why do you keep holding onto the past? Why are you holding on to those beliefs or those thoughts about yourself? I would posit that the question should be How are you holding? How are you being held? The past is. Each moment, we are everything we […]
Yes, everything IS about being trans!
By Maeve G. Howser There are spaces of public discussion in which the perspective of the oppressed writer/speaker is considered inextricable from the statement or idea itself, and her countless identities are considered as definitive to what she sees—your campus darling CPJ seated well among them. What she sees is […]