Horoscopes: 10/19/12

Aries – Trick: Your competitive nature is leading you to feel high-strung and anxious this week. Treat: Phone it in for a day. Last minute Halloween costume: Occupy Olympia protestor Taurus – Trick: You feel that those closest to you are being frivolous and flighty in a way you can’t […]

Why Bother?

“All that once was directly lived has become mere representation.” – Guy Debord To borrow a line from Politics is not a Banana, Barack Obama does not exist. Neither does Mitt Romney. Nor Joe Biden, or even that studly Paul Ryan. Sure, there are people with these names, but there […]

Let Them Debate!

Jill Stein and her running mate Cheri Honkala were arrested outside of the second debate Tuesday, October 16 after attempting to enter the debate hall at Hofstra University, but were turned away due to lack of credentials. Stein, who is running on the Green Party ticket, will be included in […]