March 10, 2024 Staff of the Writing Center To the Evergreen Administration, We members of the tutoring staff at the Evergreen Writing Center are writing today as part of a wider student movement to proclaim our solidarity with the 2.2 million citizens of Palestine currently under siege, as well as […]
GSU Town hall
The GSU town hall happened last month, on February 28th, in the Daniel J. Evans Hall Lobby. Open for all students to join and to express comments, questions and concerns that they have regarding the school. No admin were invited in order to “hold a safe space for students to […]
Alpine Lichens; the Newest Victim of Climate Change?
Elise Grange Vascular plants, and fungal communities are experiencing big changes in alpine areas around the world. While the effects of warming temperatures in alpine zones has been documented in regards to vascular plants, little has been said on one of the region’s most common organisms, lichens! Lichens are a […]
Cursed Items at the Trade Blanket? It’s More Likely than You Think…
by prize-winning teller of truths Hero Winsor At the most recent trade blanket, Greeners swapped a variety of items. Makeup palettes were exchanged for chachkies, chachkies were traded for ancient cassette tapes. This may seem harmless; however, according to a few students, more sinister items had been obtained during the […]
Shark Meat and the EU
by Troy Ritter One of the major hot topics in ocean conservation today, especially as it relates to seafood, is shark fin soup. Condemned by Humane Society International (HSI), the dish dates back as far as the Ming Dynasty (mid 1300s) as the soup of emperors. Still considered a delicacy, […]
On Love and Liberation
By Sofía Isabella Malo “At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.” – Che Guevara When I was 18, I lost my best friend. They had also just turned 18 and had already used up more […]
Archive Spotlight: The CxPJ
By Sako Chapman Front page of the Counter Point Journal volume 1 Issue 2, May 2009. The story “Evergreen Under Military Occupation? Or… Criminal Charges and lawsuit threatened against street theater performance” reports on a Mock Israeli Defense Force (IDF) checkpoint set up by students in front of the clocktower […]
Yes, everything IS about being trans!
By Maeve G. Howser There are spaces of public discussion in which the perspective of the oppressed writer/speaker is considered inextricable from the statement or idea itself, and her countless identities are considered as definitive to what she sees—your campus darling CPJ seated well among them. What she sees is […]
José Goméz Farmworkers Justice Day: Cultivating Community For Liberation
By Natalie “Lee” Arneson On May 3rd, The Evergreen State College celebrated the 16th José Gómez Farmworker Justice Day. The opening ceremony, beginning at 10am, was held in Evans Hall with speeches from Kara Briggs and Evergreen faculty members Prita Lal and Alice Nelson. Briggs’ speech was a timely and […]
It Returns! The Re-Birth of The Evergreen Bike Co-op
By Rowan Utzinger The Evergreen Bike shop returns with a few changes: a greater focus on student-led, student-focused learning, and a brand stinking new name: The Evergreen Bike Co-op! The last that many of you may have heard from the Evergreen Bike Shop was a touching eulogy published by this […]