Wasted Advice

Greetings. Welcome to Wasted Advice, wherein you ask for advice and I continue to get drunk and advise you. We both win. You can ask me the questions you can’t ask your resident advisor. my sweetie doesnt have a fb and my phone is broke is it rude to ask […]

Wasted Advice

Greetings. Welcome to Wasted Advice, wherein you ask for ad- vice and I continue to get drunk and advise you. We both win. You can ask me the questions you can’t ask your resident advisor. Why does this exist? Are you drunken scholars or do you truly have no life? […]

Halloween Fashion

By Sara Fabian Dressing up on Halloween is one of the most unique experiences compared to the other “Americanized” holidays. All year, people contemplate a costume that will be the envy of all the trick-or-treaters or win the costume contest at the Halloween party. Do we make our own costumes […]

Increase in Washington’s Oil Trains Draws More Than 750 to Public Meeting

Following the release of a state-study on oil-by-rail transport, politicians, experts, and protesters voiced safety and environmental concerns in Olympia

By Josh Wolf Some 200 environmentalists and activists gathered in front of the Red Lion Hotel, leading chants and singing songs to make their voices heard in opposition to an increase in oil trains traveling through Washington. Later in the evening of Oct. 30, more than 750 people gathered inside the […]