October 16, 2024 This time of year screams its arrival. From the gentle showering of multicolored leaves to the gradual adornment of Halloween-time homes, Autumn is a time of remembering what has passed while also celebrating the here and now. While enjoying the outdoors and the many activities you […]
The Legacy of the Tacoma Campus
Beginning as an Evergreen educator in 1972 (an original faculty compared to the college’s founding in 1971), Dr. Maxine Mimms was the force behind the foundation of the Evergreen Tacoma Campus. Through underground organization, Mimms extended the operations of the Olympia campus to a historically Black neighborhood in Tacoma where […]
Investment & Grant Policy Task Force Updates: Appointed Students Give Community Invitation
The following are two messages from students on the Investment and Grant Policy Disappearing Task Forces following their first meetings. To view the task force charges look here. INVESTMENT POLICY DISAPPEARING TASK FORCE: The Investment Policy Disappearing Task Force, as outlined in the MOU signed on April 30, is charged […]
Investment and Grant Policy Task Forces Charged
MAY 21, 2024 The Evergreen State College released the charges for two of the four Disappearing Task Forces (DTFs) outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment and members of Evergreen Executive Leadership. These charges provide the guidance and structure for the Task Forces. Below […]
The Story of Evergreen’s First Israeli Divestment Campaign by Sako Chapman Divestment is a legal process that withdraws financial investment in corporations and entities that “engage in or profit from human rights abuses, unethical labor practices, and environmental destruction” (tescdivest.com via wayback machine). It is wholly institutional in nature. Divestment […]
As we leave the shadow of March’s lunar eclipse, you may have had realizations about personal relationships. With Mercury stationing retrograde on April 2 and the solar eclipse on April 8, the heavens are shaking things up. Look to your sun and rising – take only what resonates.
ARIES – You might find yourself reaching out – you should – but don’t get eager to please. Possible increased responsibility at work. Watch your spending on personal items. Newfound initiative is likely heading into May. Song recommendation: Shaking Paper by Cat Power. TAURUS – You may be feeling more […]
The biggest CPJ story of 44 years ago!
By Kathy Davis As an idealistic, aspiring student of journalism, I was excited and nervous at the start of Evergreen’s academic year in Fall 1980. After a year of study in a journalism group contract while reporting for the Cooper Point Journal, I spent Summer quarter sharing co-editing duties and […]
TESC AGREES TO DIVESTMENT PROCESS: Greeners say “The Struggle Continues!”
by Sako Chapman of the CPJ Auxilary Team Editors Note 5/4/24: the previous headline for this article may have left the incorrect impression that The Evergreen State College has fully divested. The CPJ emphasizes, along with the students interviewed in this article, that this is the first significant step in […]
Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment Rally cries supported by Community as Bargaining Closes
by the CPJ Auxilary Team Danbert Nobacon performing at the Solidarity Rally, photo by Sako Chapman (Evergreen, WA ) – A second call was put out last night by the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment for another rally today, April 30th, at 11am, to continue the momentum of campus support for […]
Divestment on the Horizon? Optimism and Good Faith Expressed by TESC Gaza Solidarity Encampment, Admin
By the CPJ Auxilary Team At 3:30 PM today, a bargaining team made up of Evergreen students reentered negotiations with administration to continue working towards that goal. The community gathered around the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment had continued the rally in Red Square to call for The Evergreen State College’s […]