By Natalie “Lee” Arneson On May 3rd, The Evergreen State College celebrated the 16th José Gómez Farmworker Justice Day. The opening ceremony, beginning at 10am, was held in Evans Hall with speeches from Kara Briggs and Evergreen faculty members Prita Lal and Alice Nelson. Briggs’ speech was a timely and […]
It Returns! The Re-Birth of The Evergreen Bike Co-op
By Rowan Utzinger The Evergreen Bike shop returns with a few changes: a greater focus on student-led, student-focused learning, and a brand stinking new name: The Evergreen Bike Co-op! The last that many of you may have heard from the Evergreen Bike Shop was a touching eulogy published by this […]
Feeding the Diaspora: Slow-Cooked Mornings
I’ve never been much of a morning person, my insomnia making early afternoon a preferable wake up time, but I fondly remember weekend mornings stirred from my bed by the smell of my parents’ cooking. My favorite breakfasts were when Mom would make potatoes and eggs with either sausage or […]
I think I’ve had enough – Reflections on Equity at TESC
By Sako Chapman Equity Symposium: “YOU ARE ENOUGH.” Healing Towards Belonging and Collective Liberation. April 19-20, 2023. The first thing I want to say about the Equity Symposium is that it wasn’t any different than what I had expected. It brought a successful amount of events together, had a lot […]
By Jason Stone Guten tagen fellow Greeners! After fulfilling a permanently temporary exiile from sociiety ii had an opportunity to view Beau Iis Afraid, a three-hour long fiilm from Arii Aster. Aster, more well known for hiis horror films Heriiditary and Miidsommar, explores the adjacent space of surreal, comedy horror […]
The Rainbow Washing of Bud Light: 500 Bills and Counting
By Dave Moore Cultural commodification is a long-standing capitalist pastime. Every facet of human identity, expression and circumstance can be packaged and used to feed emergent consumer markets. This is not a new phenomena, nor is it particularly unique compared to some of the other permutations of late-stage capitalism. It […]
Letter From the Editor – April Twentieth Edition
By Mj Richards Illustration by Sako Chapman Dear Readers, I’m going to be brief this month, partially because I don’t have much left say, but also because we have been getting a tremendous amount of submissions from you, our beautiful readers. It has been a thrill to sift through the […]
Artist Feature: Grace Selvig
By Natalie “Lee” Arneson CPJ: Getting the background of you and your artistic journey, when did you first begin making art? Grace: Oh, that’s hard. That’s a complex answer because me and how I make art—like my biggest passion is like designing spaces and like interior design, on my scale, […]
How to Befriend Your Favorite Band by Katie J. Moore
The first time I met My Favorite Band, I said exactly four words to them, “Hi,” “thank you,” and “bye.” I had been aware of them for less than a year, but they had already changed my life as I sat listening to them, an anxious and – as I […]
Enemies to Lovers
By Grace Selvig Enemies to lovers as a literary trope/device is pretty self-explanatory. Two people who quarrel in some way develop a relationship over the course of the story. Some people see this genre and roll their eyes. They think that it is cringe or see it as people developing […]