What Could Life Be Like Connected With An AI Chatterbot?

Digital Environments and Instructional/Development Programs – Brain-Computer-Interfaces and AI Chatterbots. Part I By Jason Stone Currently, it is common knowledge that AI programs have the ability to connect to humans in one direction through information assimilation. However, wireless connection to AI entities/assistants through Brain Computer Interfacing is becoming increasingly advanced […]

Students for Justice in Palestine

By Caroline Keane Evergreen has a long history of solidarity with the Palestinian liberation movement. The Evergreen chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine is planning some events for Israeli Apartheid Week. They are seeking new members, and can be reached through their Instagram page @beldaan. The CPJ spoke with […]

It Came From the Library

Fascinating Finds from the Bowels of Castle Carmichael by Alden Nagle The Daniel J. Evans Library is  a welcoming space, with original furniture, carpeted floors, and collections that include classic literature, handmade books, and even laserdiscs. I go there on a regular basis to stock up on DVDs, both because […]

Our Parable

by Clara Riggio How do we know when the apocalypse starts? Is a nation-wide alert going to pop up on our phones and tell us that it has officially begun? Is mass violence going to break out like in “The Purge”? Could it be that it has already started? Octavia […]

Abolitionist Values

by Caroline Keane A question I’ve been asking myself is, as an abolitionist feminist, what are my/our values? Who do I prioritize and how do my values transfer, do they transfer into my praxis and interpersonal relationships? The intention of this piece is to identify these values so they can […]