Wasted advice is a column written by our editorial staff while legally drunk. Presented unedited, raw, and uncut. Send questions to https://ask.fm/wastedadvice. What’s the best tinder bio? This girls tinde bio — and she’s already — listen, it’s just “I’m a top.” That’s it What’s the question? What the fuck […]
IWW Interrupts Trustee Meeting Union demands administrative cut at Red Square rally
By Mason Soto and Daniel. The Industrial Workers of the World South Sound General Education Union, or the GEU, held a rally on Red Square last Wednesday, May 8, in a call to re-open the pool and fund the arts department at Evergreen. Union members went to the Board of […]
Artist Interview: Jeweler M. Quarrels
By Brittyana Pierro. How long have you been doing metal work? 1 ½ years. How did you get into it? I was scrolling through the class catalog and nothing sounded really interesting. I’d been doing a lot of like 2d art already. So, scientific illustration and environmental science art. Everything […]
Opinion: No Equity Without Transparency
If Evergreen fails to resolve its public records problem, faculty, staff, students, and every citizen of this state should strongly consider a vote of “no confidence.”
Black Students in Low-Diversity Areas: High School Activism
By Brittanyana Pierro. The summer of 2014, I remember, was a good one. I was 15, gaining independence and had my best friend Samantha to spend the summer with. My sister Melodi was still in town before she left for college, and the two of us got to spend an entire month […]
An Interview with CCBLA Director Ellen Sanchez
By Marta Tahja-Syrett. Ellen Shortt Sanchez is devoted to collaboration and advocacy. In her professional life, Shortt Sanchez attends to the partnership and academic needs of The Evergreen State College. As the director of Evergreen’s Center for Community-Based Learning and Action (CCBLA), she finds herself merging the divide between community […]
Master in Teaching Program Will Resume in Spring 2020
By DJ Pfeifle. The Master in Teaching Program at The Evergreen State College is being suspended until spring of 2020. Students currently enrolled in the program will continue as normal with the current structure. The suspension is the result of the program being restructured, which includes (among other things) moving […]
Student Wellness: An Interview With Evergreen Therapist Leslie Johnson
By Marta Tahja-Syrett. Leslie Johnson’s position as a mental health therapist at The Evergreen State College requires her to play many roles. In addition to doing individual therapy sessions, Johnson co-facilitates and runs groups centered around mental health. Along with this, she works on staff at Evergreen’s Evaluation and Referral […]
Police Services Purchased Cameras Disguised as Smoke Detectors
Although police purchased the cameras in response to break-ins, the school has scant policies on covert surveillance use. Evergreen and Washington State Patrol documents obtained by public records requests used in this story are available at the bottom of this page. By Daniel. Evergreen Police Services purchased three surveillance cameras disguised as smoke detectors and […]
Editorial Board: We Reject the Spying.
COOPER POINT JOURNAL EDITORIAL BOARD Related: Police Services Purchased Cameras Disguised as Smoke Detectors Evergreen has both a long history of political activism and a recent history of police surveillance and intimidation. These cannot coexist. A look at the Cooper Point Journal archives displays this foundational history: students in the 70’s […]