New work by Evergreen seniors Monica Jane Frisell and Jacob Hurner plays with the relationship between individual and environment as subjects are positioned in colorful sets created to mirror their personality and aesthetic leanings. A new little show has popped up in the library basement (okay, it’s technically the first […]
Spring Arts Walk Brings Art, Perfomances, and Parades to Downtown Olympia
By Felix Chrome & Jasmine Kozak Gilroy Spring is here! Which means it’s time for another Arts Walk, and Procession of the Species. This years events will be taking place on Friday, April 22 from 5 to 10 p.m. and Saturday, April 23 from Noon to 8 p.m. If you […]
Body Party Advice on Sex & Relationships
Dear Body Party, I want to get on hormonal birth control, but I am still on my family’s insurance and my mom is not exactly sex positive (or even sex present). How can I bring it up to her? What can I say to make her understand that being on […]
Wasted Advice
Greetings. Welcome to Wasted Advice, wherein you ask for advice and I continue to get drunk and advise you. We both win. You can ask me the questions you can’t ask your resident advisor. How can I get people to stop thinking that I’m the Zodiac Killer? before you speak […]
By Nix Chace Mars retrograde from April 17 until June 29 leaves all the signs some space to think about intense emotion, anger, passion, and individuality. Taurus’ time to shine is soon to come and already this has been a season of change, revelation, and breaking free. Now that mars […]
Happy 4/20! Here’s a Guide to Getting High (Legally) in Olympia
By Sarah Bradley & Danny Loose Here in Washington, weed dispensaries have become a welcome addition to otherwise typical shopping centers. The sale of recreational marijuana to the public began on July 8 2014. Even though it has been a while since initiative 502 passed, which licenses and regulates the […]
Legal Weed Moves West Two New Recreational Marijuana Stores Open on Olympia’s Westside
By Danny Loose On Monday March 28, town hall held a public hearing for the approval to license two new recreational marijuana retail stores. Hearing Examiner Mark C. Scheibmeir approved the two prospective shops “Gypsy Greens” set to open on Division Street and “THC Olympia” on Martin Way after a […]
Legislature Passes Supplemental Budget, Punts on McCleary
By Asa Kowals-Rose On March 29, Washington lawmakers adjourned their 2016 legislative session. As with last year’s, this session ran longer than expected: it was scheduled to adjourn on March 10 until Governor Inslee called a special session so that legislators could pass a supplemental budget. The supplemental budget—meant to […]
Greener Days Concert Series Brings Music and Performance to Red Square
By Sarah Bradley The sun was out last week, marking the start of Spring quarter at Evergreen. The warm temperature brought a bevy of students, staff, and circus performers out to red square. If you were part of the crowd soaking up the sun on Wednesday of week one, you […]
Cover Artist: Ruby Thompson
By Ruby Thompson If you’ve picked up an issue of this newspaper in the past four years, you have seen at least one thing that I’ve drawn. When I came to Evergreen, the Cooper Point Journal was just going back into print form after being solely web-based, and the editor-in-chief […]