By Felix Chrome Blaine Ewig is a poet and photographer. An Evergreen graduate, she used to work at the Cooper Point Journal as our Arts & Culture Editor, and you can find her photographs in many issues of the CPJ. Taylor Sikorski, also an Evergreen Alum, is a comedian, videographer, […]
Spring Brings New Art to Evergreen
By Ruby Love March is almost upon us, and with it (hopefully) will come a little bit of sun and the campus will start exiting its sad grumpy state of hibernation. Come out of your caves, Greeners! Don’t be so sad! Sun or not, March also marks the beginning of […]
Ready, Set, Play Adults Enjoy a Night of Fun at the Hands on Children’s Museum
By Sara Fabian We’ve all experienced the joys of being a kid. With no responsibilities, other than making sure you push every elevator door button, dirty every white shirt, stare aimlessly in a sandbox, and play with every toy imaginable. A carefree childhood is something we often crave, but rarely […]
I Got Drunk and Went to Chibi Chibi Con for the Sake of Journalism Or: In Praise of Sweet Carol
By Jules Prosser We went undercover. We didn’t know why or how, but we were on a quest for “the truth”. Carol got a fancy secret recorder from Media Loan, and I didn’t even have to ask her to do that, even though I considered it. I needed her—she was […]
Change I Don’t Really Believe In The Case for Voting in an Unjust System
By Asa Kowals-Rose I was seven when I cast my first vote for president. It was Election Day 2004, and all the students in my elementary school were given a mock presidential ballot to fill out. I’m pretty sure I accidently voted for Bush, but this was an elementary school […]
Wasted Advice
Greetings. Welcome to Wasted Advice, wherein you ask for advice and I continue to get drunk and advise you. We both win. You can ask me the questions you can’t ask your resident advisor. i hate my job, but i feel stupid complaining about it because it is better than […]
By Nix Chace The sun has left colorful Aquarius and has entered the emotionally intense Pisces. A time of ease has started to shift and new challenges and struggles are facing all the signs. The full moon in Virgo on february 22nd has illuminated what stabilizes us through these harder […]
Body Party Advice on Sex, Relationships and More
Dear Body Party, Help, I’m cold and I want to make out. I have a crush on this person, which is great, and I think they may like me back, which is also great—but the problem is, they’re not the only person I like, they’re just the person I like […]
A Vagina DialogueThe Vagina Monologues Will be Performed at Evergreen
By Jasmine Kozak Gilroy This year from February 12-14 a group of students from the Evergreen State College will be performing a hybrid version of the Vagina Monologues, a combination of the original monologues and student written pieces, to benefit the Women’s Resource Center. Next year, instead of the Vagina […]
Malheur Refuge Still Occupied by MilitiaEvergreen has Longstanding Relationship with the Land
By Ira Zuckerman Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, one of Evergreen’s oldest retreats, is a basin of sagebrush flats and salt lakes tucked into Southeast Oregon. It’s five times smaller than Olympic National Park, but makes a crucial oasis for migrating waterbirds on the western flyway. Though now retired, emeritus ornithology […]
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