By Felix Chrome On the afternoon of January 31, there was a physical altercation between a campus police officer and a man he was attempting to detain. The incident took place after Officer Tim O’Dell confronted a man who was removing fliers in support of queer and trans visibility from […]
George Bridges Update
By Aria Cummings On Wednesday, January 27, Evergreen’s new president, George Bridges, moderated an event in the Recital Hall of the Communication Building. During this event, Bridges shared his initial observations about the school’s students, staff, faculty, alumni, and community members. At the event, Bridges congratulated the Admissions Office on […]
Splash Into Fun & LearningThe South Sound Estuary Center
By Sarah Bradley An estuary refers to the body of brackish water where freshwater from rivers and streams meet the sea. The conditions of an Estuary, found in bays, inlets, and lagoons, provide a rich and fertile habitat for plankton and plants which in turn provide food for a wide […]
Ian Hazard-BillCover Artist
By Ruby Love Originally from San Francisco, Ian Hazard-Bill is an artist working in ceramics, creating beautifully unique functional pottery. I spoke with Hazard-Bill about his process, inspirations, and the challenges of balancing aesthetics and function. Hazard-Bill has been working with clay on and off for the past eight years, […]
Body PartyAdvice on Sex, Relationships, and More
Dear Body Party, I am going through a major dry spell, and I was watching that one Sex in the City episode the other night and fell into a Google hole- I spent hours looking up vibrators, dildos, butt plugs. How am I supposed to choose? They’re all so expensive […]
New Women’s Comedy Open Mic
By Danny Loose On Tuesday, February 2, host and comedienne Taylor Rae Sikorski ushered in the first Women’s Comedy Open Mic at Ben Moore’s pub to great reception. The open mic prioritizes acts by women, transgender & gender nonconforming comedians. I touched base with Taylor after the show about the […]
By Nix Chace A new moon in Aquarius on February 8 has brought an eccentric energy to all the signs. Mercury, the planet of day-to-day communications, is entering Aquarius on the 13th, thus emphasizing further the intense Aquarius traits of creativity, humanitarianism, and bold honesty. Venus, the planet representing love […]
Stuff To Do
By Sarah Bradley & Sara Fabian FRIDAY 2/12 Adult Swim: Love & Magnets Hands on Children Museum. 7pm. $20 The Hands On Children’s Museum is opening up its doors to adults for a night of fun. According to their facebook page this 21+ event will “explore unseen forces of attraction with […]
Don’t Let the Revolution Bern Out
By Asa Kowals-Rose A year ago, politicos were preparing for a dull election season. As I watched the Iowa caucus results pour in, it became clear that this would not be the case. The effortless Clinton victory many had anticipated for years had given way to an evening of nail biting; […]
It’s WhateverIn Defense of My So Called Political Apathy
By Felix Chrome Every election cycle the prospect of a new president reminds hoards of generally apolitical facebook friends and loud-talking liberals on the bus about their deep belief in the importance of electoral politics. My dad’s friends share meme’s complaining about ‘apathetic youth’ and the CPJ inevitably gets pitched […]