Dear Body Party, I am a cis woman and while I love plenty about sex—the intimacy, making out, getting eaten out—I find penetration kind of uncomfortable. I tried going out and buying some KY Jelly and although it helped out, it got all over everything, smelled like cough syrup, and […]
By Nix Chace These next couple weeks brings a time of healing and self-reflection for all the signs. Mercury, the planet of day-to-day expression and communication, had a retrograde from January 5 to 25. As well as a mercury retrograde, the planet Jupiter, ruler of luck and higher learning, has […]
Wasted Advice
Greetings. Welcome to Wasted Advice, wherein you ask for advice and I continue to get drunk and advise you. We both win. You can ask me the questions you can’t ask your resident advisor. my sweetie doesnt have a fb and my phone is broke is it rude to ask […]
Legislature Faces Budgetary Challenges in 2016 Session
By Asa Kowals-Rose On January 11, Washington state legislators gathered in Olympia to begin the 2016 legislative session. They will remain in session until March 10, or longer if the session is extended. This will be significantly shorter than the 2015 session; sessions in odd-numbered years are longer to account […]
Gender Segregated Facilities Now Must be Accessible to Transgender PeopleThe Washington Human Rights Committee Policy Change Sparks Controversy
By Felix Chrome A new Washington state policy now means that businesses with gender segregated facilities, such as locker rooms, bathrooms, and dressing rooms, must let people use whichever facilities is “consistent with their gender identity.” The Washington Human Rights Commission made the policy in an effort to make these […]
A Shared Space: Darby’s Moves into Three Magnets Brewery
By Sara Fabian On my drive from SeaTac to Olympia I asked my friend if she had any new gossip to share about what I’ve missed since mid December. She thought about it for a second, and then told me Darby’s was gone. “gone?! GONE where?” I demanded. And as […]
Navigating Financial Aid
By Jackie Buckman No matter what school your heart desires, college will always be expensive. Paying for tuition, housing, books, food, and more, things tend to add up pretty fast. Continuing on to a university means finding a way to pay for it. Either by earning a scholarship, paying for […]
Student Mental HealthThe Evergreen Group Will Have Meetings Beginning by the End of February
By Chloe Marina Manchester Here at Evergreen, there are clubs and organizations for most things you can think of. One group that tends to be missing from these are students with mental health issues. In the past there have been student groups for mentally ill students, this year, there are none. […]
Jules ProsserCover Artist
Hello, my name is Jules, I write for this newspaper, and now my artwork is in it (wowie!). I like to draw portraits and figures mostly, but I also draw still lifes and cityscapes. I am an extremely casual artist. I think perfection is dumb (but also really cool, who […]
Kept Out/Kept InNew Exhibits Coming to the Evergreen Campus
By Ruby Love The 2016 winter quarter marks the start of Kept Out/Kept In, an amazing series of exhibits and events coming to the Evergreen campus. Kept Out/Kept In, as the title suggests, deals with spaces of privilege and spaces of confinement. Addressing social and economic inequality, complexities of identity, […]
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