“I’m Luz, I’m a mestiza artist of Peruvian, Spanish, and Native American descent expressing my heritage through my art. I love colors, and used them to convey feelings in my work! My main medium is my signature sharpie art, as well as dabbling in fiber art and collage!” CPJ: So, […]
by Shem R.W Evergreen’s New Christian Ministry @TESC_CRU “Cru is a Christian college ministry on over 700 campuses nation-wide. We are taking steps to start it at [The] Evergreen State College.” We have all participated in a little bit of e-stalking. That’s exactly what I was doing one afternoon this […]
Hailey Maria Salazar: Cosmic Cheerleader
By Sofia Malo Adjunct Faculty for the Native Pathways Program, Hailey Maria Salazar, shares her path to finding courage, community and coping as an Indigenous woman at Evergreen State College. Did you happen to see a woman on the side of the road wearing a big sun hat with feathers, […]
Clam Law
By dubiously acclaimed court reporter, Hero Winsor The sixth amendment of the constitution states the right to a, “speedy and public trial.” At The Evergreen State College, jurisprudential measures have recently been made to follow this amendment to the letter. All campus disputes are now settled by the Honorable Judge […]
Yes, everything IS about being trans!
By Maeve G. Howser There are spaces of public discussion in which the perspective of the oppressed writer/speaker is considered inextricable from the statement or idea itself, and her countless identities are considered as definitive to what she sees—your campus darling CPJ seated well among them. What she sees is […]
Tribal Relations, Arts, and Cultures returns to Acedemics
On April 19 student leaders received an email from President John Carmichael outlining leadership changes in administration that are planned for this summer. One of the most striking changes was that the Department of Tribal Relations, Arts, and Cultures will be re-joining the Academics Division after former President George Bridges […]
José Goméz Farmworkers Justice Day: Cultivating Community For Liberation
By Natalie “Lee” Arneson On May 3rd, The Evergreen State College celebrated the 16th José Gómez Farmworker Justice Day. The opening ceremony, beginning at 10am, was held in Evans Hall with speeches from Kara Briggs and Evergreen faculty members Prita Lal and Alice Nelson. Briggs’ speech was a timely and […]
It Returns! The Re-Birth of The Evergreen Bike Co-op
By Rowan Utzinger The Evergreen Bike shop returns with a few changes: a greater focus on student-led, student-focused learning, and a brand stinking new name: The Evergreen Bike Co-op! The last that many of you may have heard from the Evergreen Bike Shop was a touching eulogy published by this […]
Feeding the Diaspora: Slow-Cooked Mornings
I’ve never been much of a morning person, my insomnia making early afternoon a preferable wake up time, but I fondly remember weekend mornings stirred from my bed by the smell of my parents’ cooking. My favorite breakfasts were when Mom would make potatoes and eggs with either sausage or […]
I think I’ve had enough – Reflections on Equity at TESC
By Sako Chapman Equity Symposium: “YOU ARE ENOUGH.” Healing Towards Belonging and Collective Liberation. April 19-20, 2023. The first thing I want to say about the Equity Symposium is that it wasn’t any different than what I had expected. It brought a successful amount of events together, had a lot […]