Any Evergreen student can submit content to the CPJ! If you have a submission or a pitch for a future article, email us at
At The Cooper Point Journal we pride ourselves on covering current, factual accounts of events, topics, and people relevant to Evergreen students and the Olympia community.
We foster discussion and provide a platform for a wide range of perspectives. Don’t be shy about sharing your thoughts and opinions, but please be respectful of others while doing so.
We encourage you to send us your photos of events (along with a short write up on the event), reviews of albums, thoughts on a gallery exhibition, examinations of a film, or anything else you’d like to share.
Each issue features artwork by an Evergreen student or alumni on our cover. We also like to include a spotlight, statement, and other examples of the artist’s work in an Artist Feature inside. Send an e-mail our way with examples of your work, your name and contact information, and some information about you.
We just can’t scratch our comics itch! Please help us by submitting either a comic or a panel to, or in person at CAB 332.
Your comic should be in the form of either a strip or a panel. Your STRIPS should be formatted with a dimensions ratio of 1:2 (i.e. one side must be twice the length of the other side) and your PANELS should be 1:1 (i.e. a square). If submitting digitally, please submit in a quality of 300 dpi or higher and at the size it is intended to be published as.
Please also include your name, phone number, name of the work, and contact e-mail with your piece either as a cover letter with your physical submission, or in the e-mail with your work attached.
All experience levels and styles are welcome and encouraged! We look forward to hearing from you!
We try to publish local events and happenings that are interesting and important to our readers and community. If you have an event coming up in the Olympia area that you would like us to publish, email us with information including a description, the time, and the place of the event, along with any additional details at