The Story of Evergreen’s First Israeli Divestment Campaign by Sako Chapman Divestment is a legal process that withdraws financial investment in corporations and entities that “engage in or profit from human rights abuses, unethical labor practices, and environmental destruction” ( via wayback machine). It is wholly institutional in nature. Divestment […]

Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment

by the CPJ auxillary team View of the Evergreen Gaza Solidarity Encampment, photo by Sarah Swissa Within the past two weeks, many colleges and universities across the U.S. have erupted in protest responding to the ongoing genocide and scholasticide occuring within the Gaza strip. Columbia University became the first highly […]

Police Services Purchased Cameras Disguised as Smoke Detectors

Although police purchased the cameras in response to break-ins, the school has scant policies on covert surveillance use. Evergreen and Washington State Patrol documents obtained by public records requests used in this story are available at the bottom of this page. By Daniel. Evergreen Police Services purchased three surveillance cameras disguised as smoke detectors and […]