Wasted Advice

Greetings. Welcome to Wasted Advice, wherein you ask for advice and a different member of our talented staff answers each week—drunk. We both win. You can ask us the questions you can’t ask your resident advisor. What TV show should I watch when I’m hanging out with my crush and […]

Wasted Advice

My dog is an asshole who won’t stop eating my used cottonballs from removing makeup. How likely is it that he’ll die doing this? One of my dogs is an asshole too. That said, I don’t know shit about animals. You should probably do the responsible dog owner thing and […]

Wasted Advice

Greetings. Welcome to Wasted Advice, wherein you ask for ad- vice and I continue to get drunk and advise you. We both win. You can ask me the questions you can’t ask your resident advisor. Why does this exist? Are you drunken scholars or do you truly have no life? […]

Wasted Advice: 4/11/13

Why do hospitals in Singapore use such terrible painkillers? -Singapore Sling Everyone knows that Singapore hates drugs and they hate you. Why are people afraid to go to Le Voyeur? -Voy for Joy Firstly, they serve forties of Steele Reserve. If that’s not terrifying I dunno what is. Second, there are […]